Saturday, September 29, 2012

Obama and Family vacations

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Certain places in Mexico might be safe to visit but we continually hear about the horrible murders there. Two drug cartel members were just sentenced to life in prison without parole for kidnapping and killing two victims before dissolving the corpses in acid.

Now we are learning that “numerous online press outlets have reported that the president’s 13-year-old daughter, Malia Obama, was on a spring break trip to Mexico accompanied by 25 U.S. Secret Service agents and as many as 12 of her friends--that's two body guards per person.

The U.S. State Department has warned that "U.S. travelers should be aware that the Mexican government has been engaged in an extensive effort to counter TCOs which engage in narcotics trafficking and other unlawful activities throughout Mexico. The TCOs themselves are engaged in a violent struggle to control drug trafficking routes and other criminal activity. As a result, crime and violence are serious problems throughout the country and can occur anywhere. U.S. citizens have fallen victim to TCO activity, including homicide, gun battles, kidnapping, carjacking and highway robbery. The number of U.S. citizens reported to the Department of State as murdered in Mexico increased from 35 in 2007 to 120 in 2011.

Although we can't protect our embassies, Obama's daughter was probably safe due to all that security that taxpayers were paying for during the Mexican Spring Break trip. Different security details but we know she was safer than Ambassador Chris Stevens was in Libya

No one knows the cost of all of this as The Whitehouse is not talking. How many 13 year old kids go to a foreign country for a vacation without their parents? I doubt if kids from the top 1% are vacationing without their parents either.

Last year taxpayers had to fork over a whopping $1.4 billion just to pay the expenses of the president, his family, and his staff for their lavish vacations as the country gets deeper in debt to a tune of over $16 trillion dollars and 23 million people don't have jobs, struggling to put food on the table. Family vacations.


  1. Just for the record, the murders and the dissolving the bodies in acid the you posted a link to occurred in San Diego, not Mexico.

    There is a Mexican connection as the murderers did spit off from a Mexican gang in 2003 and moved to the US to start a new gang.

  2. From The New York Times:

    After weighing the risks of traveling to Mexico, the parents of one American teenager decided to allow her to join a school trip to Oaxaca, where students volunteered at an orphanage, visited archaeological sites and sipped vanilla milkshakes on the honey-colored town plaza.

    Malia, 13, attends Sidwell Friends School in Washington, which has been organizing trips to Oaxaca for years, said Ellis Turner, the associate head of school, who pointed out that there was no State Department travel warning for Oaxaca.

    Presidential children have been goodwill ambassadors for our country for may years.

    Yes it was likely very expensive, but in all fairness it was a school trip, and not the same thing that "Spring Break" conjurers up in some peoples minds.

    If you read more about it you will find that the "good" people in the area were delight to have a positive spotlight on safe tourism.

  3. This has been just another Whitehouse cover-up.. What a hoot.

    Edmonton Journal reported that it was indeed a Spring break trip and reported on what they visited while they were there. Nothing about an orphanage now being told by Washington.

  5. Love Spring Break,

    The NY Times story was posted on March 22, 2012 and the on you cite from the Edmonton Journal was posted on June 5, 2012. So you say the orphanage was fabricated after the fact? You math is a little off!

  6. This story is just starting to be picked up. If Obama had been forthright with it to begin with, all the math would have happened in March was it when she went. The essence of this article is the COST of all Obama's family vacations, not just this one stupid vacation for his daughter at an ungodly cost I would imagine.

  7. Romney spent a week in New Hampshire during the 4th of July. He had extensive Secret Service protection the whole time he was there.

    Where's the outrage about this?

  8. Romney has a home there. Little different than a luxury vacation in Spain, etc.

  9. Michelle Obama booked 60 rooms at a hotel in Spain where the average price is $660 per night, and she does travel with Secret Service protection at the expense of taxpayers.

    The use of an Air Force plane for the trip cost taxpayers $150,163, and the 70 agents assigned to the trip cost taxpayers another $95,550.

    Romney just went to his own house. You liberals will try and justify anything.

  10. But Romney has 6 homes, so we should foot the bill to move and house the secret service every time he wants to go to one or the other of them. I'm serious.

  11. This is silly, who cares. I want our president wife and children safe. Whether it's Romney or Obama. Where ever they go it is a symbol of America and the security is necessary. Just a cost of business and a relatively small one compared to other bigger concerns. I don't want our president and family to have to be locked up in the Whitehouse. American goodwill and freedom should be shown via our 1st family not just military force!

  12. Obama needs to stop acting like King obama and stop spending obscene amounts of money for luxurious vacations, golf, etc. Let's take care of business.

  13. Obama's networth is $13,000,000,- till last year,nothing is known of his off-shore activities,a sneak.
    This make him a legitimate ONE PERCENTER , posing as a buddy of the 99% ters, who are played for suckers, with his silver tongue. Obama acts like a ONE PERCENTER, BECAUSE HE IS ONE, WITH ONLY 1%ter friends, as his fundraisers proof.99% are not invited, just have to deliver theiR votes,THEN GET LOST, for more economic downfall,with Tim Geithner, who as Univ.professors of economic explained,caused the New York Financial District meltdown(AIG,Lehman Bros.etc.Banks)with placing derivitives(unfunded,bundled toxic mortgages) for sale on Wallstreet as valuable securities.(600 trillion still on the open market)
    Those who don't know,or understand watch Fox Business news Channel,Neil Cavuto,who interviewed the top economy professors of the USA who explained that Obama hirng geithner to run our Treasury spells a Depression, where all liquid funds are stolen to fund the criminal fin Institutions,like he started,
    with dumb Obama(no idea of economics or government,only racism)pushing the stimulus$870,000,000,- for defaulting banks of Geithner.American poverty increases daily,Obama's daughter goes to mexico with what???Why not those who vted for Obama's false promises(2008) wanted that.Millions of Americans are lining up at Food banks.That parasite gets 22 security personnel, to protect what???Let's call a spade a spade, wasted money by irresponsible leeches.

  14. 23 million Americans unemployed ,8 million no longer looking because Obama did not create jobs for them as promised in 2008.Millions of Americans homeless, and lining up at Food banks,hungry Americans,Obama's administration results, and those parasites, use our tax money for those useless creatures' entertainment!!!!.Their father put the Wallstreet Financial world in a melt down of trillions of derivitives,worthless securities,and then hired the man who caused it to run our Treasury,Tim Geithner, and his leeches are getting 22 security guards. Americans are going hungry because of Obama's mismanagement of this Country with no experience in Government, unlike the business savvy,honest, with annually balanced State Budgets deliveries,loyal American Governor Mitt Romney,who can turn this around .First, fire Geithner,to save the Treasury from his and Obama's plunder to destroy this Country!

  15. I remember seeing photographs of both of Bush's daughters out in clubs partying and surrounded by secret service agents.

  16. Shhhhhh this is only about Obama, and he is one of "them."
