Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lake Worth Casino will open soon

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Channel 12 video


  1. Any, and Every citizen of this city should be ashamed of the way the deplorable way this New building looks. Almost makes me wish nothing was ever done there.

  2. We need a full report from Michael Bornstein to the extent of the damage, what needs to be replaced and if insurance covers the inferior work/products. Let's get a report that's honest, unlike the pool report. In fact, I would like to see everyone involved there come before the Commission and make a statement.

  3. When are we getting the tee shirts printed. "Citizens Against The Casino." I need an extra large

  4. This is what is going to happen.
    Morganti is going to lawyer up. The most you will ever get from them is that they built what REG designed and specified.
    REG is going to say that they were forced to specify inferior materials as that was all Morganti would approve to sign the Guaranteed Fixed Price Contract.
    Why did you think the Morganti Contract had so much in Reserves?
    Somebody may figure out that REG was too understaffed to perform the function they bid. Just as one example—William waters was never an employee of REG. They didn’t have sufficient staff to man the Casino project, so they hired outside contractors.
    City Manager Stanton conducted the selection of the Contractor, Architect and Leasing Agent with no understanding of the Process or disciplines and we are now seeing the logical results of this mismanagement of Taxpayer funds.
    BTW—because nobody oversaw the quality of construction---expect large Casino CIP’s due to inferior materials-construction.

  5. Hey--a better idea--Let's blame it on Bush. Stanton has been gone for almost a year. Who has been in charge? Bornstein fired the assistant city manager(because Maxwell wanted her gone) who was the point person on this project. Who did he put in charge to watch over our interests and to ensure that everything was up to snuff before we signed off. The Recreation Director? Oh that's right. Bornstein has only been here since April. Let's ask John Szerdi...maybe he has an opinion.

  6. Manny Rodriguez, PMP, CPMSeptember 30, 2012 at 9:02 AM

    Often at Commission meetings I have spoken to the issues around the contracts written by city attorney(s) and employees. It appears to me that the mojority of these lacks the basics principles of contract formation. I would be willing to bet that most of the language has been written by the conatractors and vendors to the city. If this is the case, then the language will always be in favor of the writer. However, the responsibility of contrapreferntum or any inconsistencies appears as if the City had written the contract. The very basics of writing contracts is the well deifined scope of work, key assumptions made, contractor responsibilities, City of LW responsibilities, schedule, completion criteria, any additional terms and conditions and finally terms of payment. The inclusion of these items does not make a great contract, but the quality of it's formation is what makes a big difference. A contract is not just legal document, more important is a business document the delineates what must be done in order to meet the needs of the Buyer in this case the City of Lake Worth.
    I the past I have offered to teach (pro-bono) a seminar on how to write Statements of Work and Contracts, the response has always been .
    These are my thoughts.

  7. I wouldn't want to bet against you, anonymous. We have not written favorable contracts for the City--just look at the union deals, the actual cause of our financial dilemma. I could go on and on regarding the PBSO contract.

  8. Stanton is responsible for the contracts.
    The current sitting Commission is responsible for many things including not reviewing the contracts, not insisting on construction oversight and not disclosing a complete Budget for the Beach and Casino and not having somebody Lease 50% of the space (I do not trust or accept that the City Staff can maximize the Banquet space).
    I am so sick and tired of getting inferior Commissions and CMs no matter who is elected, hired or fired.

  9. I heard a rumor about there is going to be a petition going around in the next few days, Can you verify this Lynn? And if tee shirts are being printed where can I get one?

  10. I would ask one of those who have been critical of the new casino and are always negative.
