Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lake Worth City Commission "snookered" on Snook Islands?

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Politics sucks. We never know who to trust, who is telling the truth, or who is pulling the wool over our eyes. It is not just at the national or state levels. So many deals are cut out of the Florida Sunshine Law that was first enacted in 1967. We have the same problems right here in our little city.

We talk about transparency all of the time. Everything needs to be conducted in the Sunshine and the city commission must be informed about anything that affects policy as it is they, as a body, who make the decision and will direct the city manager to pursue.

Commissioner Mulvehill became aware of  Mr. Bornstein's meeting with  ERM regarding the $18 million, 100 acre Snook Island project and asked him about it. It was a meeting without the knowledge of the city commission.  From what I could gather, City Manager Michael Bornstein scheduled a meeting with ERM that included "friends of his for 27 years," in order to find out two things:

1. If he could terminate the agreement for Phase II of the Snook Island Project which consists of:
 Snook Islands Phase II
    0.45 acre oyster reef
    0.74 acre red mangroves
    7.17 acres seagrass
    Bryant Park Wetlands Restoration
    0.06 acre oyster reef
    0.44 acre red mangroves
    4.54 acres of seagrass

He found out that he could not because the agreement was already signed. In fact, the equipment was also on site.

2. He wanted to find out about building up to a 50-slip Marina in Bryant Park. He was told he could not. Apparently he was trying to bring back to life or explore the possibility of bringing back to life, the plan that Warren Newell drew up several years back and where his plan was presented at the Golf Course. Newell was "booed and hissed" for his suggestion. In 2008, "Newell’s 15 years as a public servant came to an end as he was sentenced on public corruption charges."

Tuesday night, while giving his explanation and why he was not transparent or candid with the city commission, Bornstein mentioned the Gulfstream Hotel.  Sources say that Bornstein said we "can't make any money off the waterfront with all these environmental projects." Our partners in the Phase II are the PBC Department of Environmental Resources Management (ERM) and the Florida Department of Transportation. He further stated that he was trying to tie in the Gulfstream Hotel (private property) with a public marina. It is the belief of some politicians, especially Republicans, that agencies such as the EPA and those mentioned above, get in the way of business and making money.

If our former city manager, Susan Stanton, had conducted business in this fashion and kept anything this important from the commission, or had gone off on her own trying to formulate policy to try and terminate Phase II of the Snook Island project, Scott Maxwell would have come down on her like a Mack truck going 100 mph and she would have been fired on the spot. Tuesday night self-proclaimed Republican Scott Maxwell was silent and wanted to immediately adjourn the meeting.You have to wonder if he and the rest of the trio knew.

This, as so many things are, will be swept under the rug. It all depends on the politics of the moment and who owns the majority.


  1. The corruption continues. mAxwell wouldn't have been able to get away with something like this under Stanton.

  2. Personally, I think the CM should be fired. He stinks! He treats citizens poorly and is not responsive to them. I don't think he cares about us at all. Man I hope his tenure is short lived in Lake Worth, we deserve better, enough of the mediocrity.

  3. Too bad Stanton was fired a long time ago. Maybe you missed the news.
    How's your friend's job search coming along?

  4. Wouldn't the CM have to do some research FIRST before bringing something to the Commission?

    What can he bring and present if he has no data? I think he was just doing he job which is bring all possible probabilities to the Commission.

  5. @ 9:28--Where have you been? She has been working for the City of Ft. Lauderdale and landed that job very quickly. But this is NOT about Stanton now is it. This is about Sunshine and sneaky things.
    @9:4--No, the CM does not have to do research unless directed by the commission. He wasn't, unless, of course, he was directed OUT OF THE SUNSHINE. This was MUCH MORE THAN RESEARCH, wasn't it?

  6. anony at 9:41--Give it up

  7. OMG--we have a CM that is concerned about increasing the economic viability of the City and does his homework before he presents a project for approval?
    Lynn, you need to rethink this one.

  8. Sure seems to me too that he is doing what a CM is suppose to do. Are you saying every single thing he does must be directed by the City Commission??? I'm not a huge fan nor an enemy of him I guess I am missing the big conspiracy on this one.

  9. It "seems" to you? WRONG. Re-read what was written. The CM carries forth policy directed by the city commission. They are NOT rogue. They don't go out on their own and scheme or devise ways to end projects, etc. They take direction from the commission and implement those directives and perform within the agreed and approved budget. And most of all, everything they do is in the Sunshine.

  10. We have surely regressed in this city. It is now back to the good ole boys who ruined our city a decade or so ago. We got rid of them and now they are all back. Sad.

  11. Nothing that he did qualifies as a Sunshine violation. You keep saying it, but that does not make it true.

    If you insist on calling it a Sunshine violation, please direct us to the specific, relevant portion of Chapter 286...just posting a link to the website doesn't prove anything.

    Any the City Manager should be responsible for ideas on generating new revenue and cutting expenses. Although he implements Commission directives - and those must be voted upon and agreed to - there is nothing that prohibits him from coming up with his own suggestions, doing research on the feasibility of that idea and then presenting it to the Commission for discussion.

    If he had come up with a plan that saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in labor costs, would you have the same objection?

  12. Cancel the Snook Island contract? Are we talking about the commission meeting last Tuesday night?? I was sitting on the front row and I didn't hear anything like that. Come on Lynn.

  13. Thanks, "Sophie."

    His job is to take his idea to the city commission who will then give him a directive...not go out on his own to "investigate" and try to stop a project. "Hey, I have a great idea city commission, about building a marina in Bryant Park. Do you want me to pursue this great idea?" Typically, city managers play a major role in formulating the city budget, forming and implementing city policy and generating ideas for increased efficiency in city services. The hiring and firing of city department heads also falls under the direction of our city manager. City managers meet with city commission members and other elected and appointed officials for regularly scheduled or chartered mandated meetings that are in the Sunshine and on an as-needed basis in order to get direction.

  14. Do your own research, Greg as you are challenging mine.

  15. What was Bornstein's purpose to change the agreements that the city had signed with the different county and state and federal agencies. What initiated the action? Who told him to do that? Marinas don't make money.

  16. Arrogance and Ego lurk behind that bow tie and smile, not Mr. Rogers.

  17. Yes indeed.Susan would have been crucified if she even thought of stopping the Snook Island project.Too much.Maxwell is probably behind this.He wanted someone to control and decided this guy was easier than Kroll.Sad.

  18. Three of the commissioners had "nothing to say" when Mulvehill questioned Borenstein about the meeting he called with ERM to find out about canceling Snook Islands Phase II. The project is in HER district - you would think if ANY of the commissioners would know about a meeting like that, it would be the commissioner for the district. Turns out, it appears, she was the last to know.


  20. This usurpation of the L.W.Citizens elected Commission's Power to act on behalf of Lake Worth Tax payers, out of the Sunshine,is reason for instant dismissal.Michael Bornstein has acted unlawfully, as if owner of the City of Lake Worth out of the Sunshine.Is that the reason why he is no longer in Lanata?Why did none of the elected characters,, do a background check?He saw the meetings ,and understood what he was dealing with, ignorant,selfpromoting windbags, with no concern for the City.
    Accounting for all actions and expenditures, was only mentioned during Campaigns,to con trusting fools to vote for the untrustworthy, devious, characters pushed by sleazy odious characters,who get our Commission seats with misrepresentation and total lack of necessary qualification,based on in depth knowledge of all 17 Depts. of the City,and functions, management.
    Slick Michael Bornstein, hired, not elected, has no authority to negotiate with Government agencies, as he has done outside the Sunshine,a violation of the Law. Pam Lopez, assured me years ago that City hall is not allowed volunteers, because of the confidentiality, sensitivity of information about tax payers, in the City Hall records.It is said that Mary Lindsay coerced College Park residents with questionable promises, to vote for Pam Triolo for Mayor.In return Pam Triolo now in place,has authorized Mary Lindsay to volunteer at City Hall, with access to all City Managers Office, and City attorney business and all taxpayers private records, ready for blackmail to force her wishes, or sale to Corporations.All these options reward for getting Triolo into our Mayor position,without any previous knowledge of City Govt.The aware of these shennenigans and does as he please, as there is no cotrol and Maxwell is biased.The Inspector general will be informed of these corrupt actions, if not forwarded by this blog, than by responsible, moral, knowledgeable Citizens.

  21. There never should have been a meeting. That was mistake number one. Mistake number two was covering it up. If cover-ups are going on, what else should we know?

  22. Foresight is a gift yet procedure in good government is a requirement. Mr. Bornstein seemed surprised by Commissioner Mulvehill’s inquiry and his low toned carefully worded explanation seemed awkward. His discomfort showed. I was surprised by the silence and lack of surprise by the mayor and two other commissioners. If there is one word used by everyone on the dais to supposedly ‘blanket’ everything, it is TRANSPARENCY. But, there was no blanket in sight during this particular conversation.

  23. "Sure seems to me too that he is doing what a CM is suppose to do"
    Bornstein does what he is told to do. Obviously Maxwell ,Triolo or Amaroso told him to do this.Hey,Scotty, I thought that you were against C.M.'s who acted without the Commission's permission.
    It's all about money,power or sex. Dear God lets hope it's all about the money!Otherwise,,,,sorry I just went blind,,,,,,,

  24. You people are off your meds. Let me get this straight: Mike Bornstein, not an elected official and NOT subject to "sunshine" unless he is used as a conduit, either is asked to look into a project happening in the city or is curious by himself. He has every right and duty to know as much about what is allowed and not allowed in the waters off our shores. I'm sure he had to deal with these issues in our neighboring town.

    I have written him asking questions and he has gotten back to me with the answers. He was not and should not have been required to run my question and his answers or who he asked by any commissioner, mayor or volunteer.

    If my question turned out to be a good idea for the city, he could then bring it up to the commissioners, either in private meetings with them or in a public forum. Either way would not be a sunshine violation.

    I happen to be in favor of a marina but know fully well it is an unpopular idea here in Lake Worth. I'm also in favor of having a restaurant facility of some sort on the water at Bryant Park. It would be a great public benefit. But if you don't ask the question, you never get the answer.

  25. Why don't you "man up" and sign your comment and RE-READ what I wrote. He does not have the right to secretly meet like this to find out if he can END A CONTRACT on Snook Islands. He should be working under his job description and implementing policy and informing his bosses as to what HE IS DOING. His bosses, GOT THAT?

    It is nice to see loyalty to a nice guy but Paleeeeeze.

    Next, please do not come over here and get nasty. There is enough of that from you when you don't get your way or there is a difference of opinion. Mr. Bornstein has every right to LEARN and get EDUCATED on Lake Worth matters. He can read books. There is a learning curve here. We do have a Community Development sustainability Director. We have plenty of top staff who could have informed him of the facts--not secret meetings with "friends of 27 years."

  26. Anony at should be bringing your wonderful ideas to your commissioner, not the city manager. You don't even know procedure.

  27. Lighten up! I was not being nasty. The comment went right to YOUR assertion that he is violating sunshine. He is not.

    Is every meeting he has with anyone he wants to have a meeting with "a secret meeting"?

    If you had friends in a particular business for 27 years, should you be precluded from consulting with them in their area of expertise?

    And lastly, I have no qualms about bringing up ideas I have with commissioners, the city manager, the public works director, community sustainability or my neighbors.

    Remember, this thread is about sunshine law violation.

  28. The blog, however, was not about Sunshine. It was about procedure. It's about a secret meeting to explore the possibility of ending a contract on Snook Islands Phase II. You see nothing wrong with that? It wasn't I who said that people must be off their meds. You all swift boat everything. We see where you're going with this. Don't buy it and most people won't. Your explanation will be how it will all be swept under the political rug. So be it.

    Oh, and next time, stop running into the CM's office and giving him "great" ideas. Give your ideas to your commissioner to present. Stop bothering staff. They have enough to do. Follow protocol or is that only for some people?

  29. Lynn, did you follow the protocol you just recommended when Stanton was CM?

  30. Well, thanks for your question, I guess.
    The answer is YES I did follow protocol. In fact, no one got to just pop into Susan Stanton's office. It got to be a joke misused by some citizens when she first arrived on the scene. She was getting threatened, etc. She secured her office due to unannounced intruders and you know who you are...the same ones doing it to Bornstein today. The difference is, Bornstein doesn't seem to mind commissioners and the public calling his department heads to get things done or barge in on him. He wants to be liked. It's a joke. Who is really in charge?

    I never gave ideas to Stanton on any issue and never sought an interview with her other than after one city commission meeting. She was highly qualified.

  31. Highly qualified at what?

  32. "It's about a secret meeting to explore the possibility of ending a contract on Snook Islands Phase II. You see nothing wrong with that?"

    My bad. I thought you mentioned sunshine at least 3 times.

    So let's explore your question. What constitutes a "secret meeting" to you? That YOU weren't invited? Should he huddle with each commissioner every time he needs a question answered?

    I'll bet our city manager and possibly EVERY OTHER CITY MANAGER in Florida has several "secret meetings" that aren't announced each and every day.

    OK it's not about sunshine, it's about procedure. Who sets procedure? The city commission? NO! They set policy. The City Manager sets procedure which is how to carry out their policy.

    If it was so secret, how did you find out about it? Mulvehill got your ear????

    Remember how many people tried to stop the Snook Island Phase I project? Following your logic... let's just say he was able to find a way to stop the project. Let's call it a procedure. Don't you think he'd have to bring this back to the commission at some point? Can you see people (including myself)coming out of the woodwork screaming bloody murder if it were even attempted?

    But I still like the marina idea.

  33. This argument isn't worth it. I would really love to know who you are...apparently you have some sort of vested interest in a marina at Bryant Park? I just love how you turn it all around like it was just city manager business as usual.

    So you like a marina--Let's hear about the costs of such an undertaking. Say we got $25,000 a month in revenue, what would it cost in services? Would we have to build bathrooms and shower facilities? What would the liability be to LW? Would we have to have more public safety? What about the environmental concerns, the manatees, the dredging? Would we ever get a permit for such an enterprise? Etc., etc., etc. Have yo checked out the marina in WPB to se4e how costly that is?

  34. No I haven't and someone already said it's not a good investment. I would just like to have more of a draw at the water. There should be a restaurant with raggae music and dancing of scantily clad women on the docks. Maybe even the tables.The infrastructure you brought up would be a major concern with our seemingly ever present homeless population even though there are already bathrooms at the bandshell. Yuk!

    It's a "big picture" kind of thing. That "great" idea you say I have. I can see how it could help make the Gulfstream more marketable.

    Just remember, not much of anything gets done without starting with an idea. (and maybe a secret meeting)

  35. Those who think there is revenue in water taxis may want to read this article from the Sun-Sentinel.

  36. Those who think there is revenue in bus service wonder why we all pay 6 cents per gallon to fund Palm Tran. But "Man, those buses are snappy lookin". The MPO gave the cities enough to build a dock what. And the venues are too far apart. The boats are too slow. How do you buy a boat, staff it with a captain, insure it and pay for gas, maintenance and dockage and only cart around a couple people a day?

    IF they could drop off a group of people at our docks, we don't even have a shuttle to bring them to our restaurants. It's all about the mullah. $$
