Thursday, September 6, 2012

Faultless Politics

Comment Up

From Media Research Center


  1. You posting this cartoon continues to show how ignorant you really are.
    Since you posted the cartoon you obviously believe it's message.
    The message is supposed to be that the federal government aborts babies. Does the federal government really abort babies? Or do democrats believe in the right for a woman to do as she chooses?
    So as a conservative you believe in smaller government yet you believe the government should be able to tell women what to do about their health? Is that really smaller government?
    Sounds like you're confused again.

  2. Thank you very much for another personal attack. Can you liberals who want GOD taken out of the Dem platform ever just debate an issue without resorting to attacks? Evidently not.

    The federal government makes laws and through these laws, abortions have been allowed since 1973. Illegal immigration is illegal.

  3. OK, here it is... It is legal right now for a woman to end the life within her own body. It is killing a human life. It is legal. It is highly deplorable, despicable and evil to do such a thing, but THAT is between THAT woman and her own conscience and her God.

    There are reasonable times that THAT human life taken can be understood and I can sympathize with those who are raped or victims of incest.

    But lets think about the barbaric methods used for such extreme cases that are being shoved down our throats. The so called partial birth abortions are enough to make you throw up.

    Now let's contrast that with a woman with a "wanted" child that is killed "through no fault of her own" and the life of the unborn child is also snuffed out. Now we want a double murder conviction.

    Yes it is and should remain a woman's right to choose. (Keep government hands off my body)And it is and will remain legal for those of us who are against such acts when used as flippantly as birth control or "I really wanted a boy" excuses to justify this barbaric act to speak out against it. To call it what it is: Killing of a human baby.

  4. I'm not sure God should be included in any party's platform.

    Separation of church and state ya' know.

    What about those who call their higher power a different name, or are atheists or agnostics?

    I am leery of those who want to bring God into politics. . .

  5. Perhaps not but what does it hurt It is expressed in the Declaration of Independence, it is on our money and it is also mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance. Are we supposed to make the minority happy? This is a country under God.

  6. The Democrats are killing off their future base.The woman at the heart of the Roe V. Wade case actually gave birth before the case was decided. Bet birthdays at that house are loads of fun.

  7. No, it is not. The more you know...

    "E Pluribus Unum" WAS and IS the de facto motto of the United States of America since 1782, but few seem to act like it. The Declaration of INDEPENDANCE is NOT our founding document... it is the petition agreed to by the colonies notifying Great Britain of intent to self govern. The phrase "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" are the only reference, in the preamble. Read it.

    Our Constitution IS the founding document... and there is NO mention of God; read the free exercise clause. It does not appear in the oath of office. "In God We Trust" first appeared on U.S. coins in 1864 as a response to unification... and the horrors of our civil war. It didn't appear on paper currency until 1957, and like the pledge of allegiance owes it's existence in modern usage to red-baiting and McCarthism. The pledge was written by Christian Socialist Francis Bellamy in 1892:

    "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all".

    It was published in a boys magazine as a gimmick to sell flags for Columbus Day. It wasn't adopted nationally until 1942 as we went to war:

    "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all".

    "Under God" was inserted a decade later as a result of heavy lobbying by the DAR and KofC during the red scare... using the unfound claim that Lincoln himself had uttered it while making the Gettysbug Address speech. Going with the political climate of the day, President Eisenhower (a freshly-minted Presbytarian himself) made the proclamation so in 1954, and here we are.

    The United States was founded as a secular democratic republic, not a theocratic one. Revisionist history regurgitated by those who would prefer an alternate reality notwithstanding.

  8. Constitution person, please also realize that our Founding Fathers did not feel it necessary to reference God--it was UNDERSTOOD that we were/are one nation under God. They also never realized that so many people would divert from God, ridicule God and move away from the idea of a supreme being...infidels, if you will. The world has changed in 236 years, something they did not envision when they wrote The Constitution.

  9. "... Founding Fathers did not feel it necessary to reference God--it was UNDERSTOOD that we were/are one nation under God."?

    A remarkably facile and wishful supposition, but why should we expect anything less?

    The framers left references to God out for a reason: to guarantee freedom of personal religious exercise, and limit the tyranny of ideologues.

  10. Snappy comeback! Bet your last reality check bounced.
