Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What would we ever do without efficiency?

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Always being a "company man," the City Clerk just put out this announcement:

From: Pamela Lopez
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 8:27 AM
To: Andy Amoroso; Christopher McVoy; Elaine Humphreys; Michael Bornstein; Pam Triolo; Scott Maxwell; Silvina Donaldson; Suzanne Mulvehill
Cc: ''; ''
Subject: ballot question public hearing

On Saturday, I sent the City Commission, City Manager, and City Attorney an email regarding the Commission action needed to continue the above public hearing from Aug. 7th to Sept. 18th based on the  Commission’s approved motion on Saturday, July 28th….as you may recall a public hearing notice was advertised on July 28th in the PB Post announcing the public hearing date on Aug. 7th.  After discussing the new public hearing date with the City Attorney and best method to proceed with the new date, it was decided that an advertisement will appear in the PB Post on Saturday, Aug. 4th amending the previous public hearing date from Aug. 7th to September 18th….this method will negate the need to have this subject matter on the Aug. 7th Commission agenda for any action.   

A second public notice will be advertised no later than 10 days prior to the Sept. 18th public hearing date.


  1. Out of sight, out of mind Commissioner MAxwell? We think NOT.

  2. What is this blogger going to do when your direct pipeline to all communications to the Commissioners goes away? So sad that you will have to go back to being a regular LW resident, not a conduit for everything Mulevehill wants to put out there but does do herself.

  3. Well, perhaps transparency will TOTALLY DISAPPEAR. That sounds about right and the way things are going these days. This trio commission keeps everyone in the dark.

  4. Among other things, a problem with corrupt elected public officials is that the rank & file employees have to go along with the deceit & mis-deeds in order to keep their jobs. (One can think of many disturbing examples in recent years at the national level...)

    Yes, our City Clerk is especially efficient when she wants to be, and extremely vague and confused when that's the best way to save her ass.

    When King Maxwell retires from the Commission, he should write a book about how to use a big ego, backroom deals & secret agendas, along with stubburn perserverance to rise to power and destroy a city.

    Who needs anarchists when you've got a master Machiavellian manipulator in your midst?

    One thing for sure, no matter what my opinion is on the matter, NO WAY am I voting to move our local elections to March. We cannot afford to let the Terrible Trio stay in office an extra 4 months!

    Speaking of March, let's get our money's worth out of that "very special election" in March 2013. Can anyone say RECALL?

  5. As much as I believe in March elections to save money, you might have a big point here!! I want to see Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso campaigning in the heat just like the PAC recently did. Scott would probably drop dead from heat exhaustion. :) Then I could say, I don't want to hear about it Vice Mayor--you're a heck of a lot younger than I.

  6. As much as I believe in March elections to save money, you might have a big point here!! I want to see Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso campaigning in the heat just like the PAC recently did. Scott would probably drop dead from heat exhaustion. :) Then I could say, I don't want to hear about it Vice Mayor--you're a heck of a lot younger than I.

  7. Lynn, we do not have efficiency, we have a new CM that does not answer emails, calls, or is not willing to meet with citizens, this is wrong and unacceptable. We need to get this right or get rid of him. Lynn how do you get anything out of him? What is your secret? I am not having any luck communicating with this one, he just doesn't seem to care or show any respect for the public. A huge disappointment.

    We need quality leaders and elected officials in this city, we need to stop settling for mediocrity. We need efficiency and people who care, who will listen and communicate better.

  8. I don't know who you are, and you don't know me.But I cannot believe you cannot get in touch with the C.M.
    by phone.I called several times since he's been here.He always calls me back with in 2or3 days. He was always at neighborhood meetings. Now i have not E-mailed him. So i can't comment on that.You can always go to a city commission meeting and see him before the meeting starts or grab
    him during the break or when the meeting is over. I hope I have been some help.

  9. These new attorneys found a way of getting around the whole thing. So much for attorneys. Another one in your pocket, Maxwell?

  10. They are cowards!
    The trio have created discord and will not face the public.
