Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Robert Waples, President of Lake Osborne Heights, speaks out on the Sunset Mediation

Comment Up

 Dear City Manger Bornstein,

We of the Lake Osborne Heights Neighborhood have been asking for, I think, 2 years now what is going on with the so called "Mediation" of the Sunset Property and to date no one contacts Ms. McGiveron who is part of the mediation, our neighborhood and frankly we keep asking the question however the other side keeps refusing to come to the table.  The Commission has been absolutely about useless on this matter and allowed the former City Manager "Gag" them from even discussing. Mayor Triolo was the only one to speak up at a meeting and asked the questions as to why this has not been resolved.

At what point does a "Mediation" become obsolete or hits a statute of limitation?  This can not keep dragging out, the other side of the property has not come to the table and when they were at the table would keep walking away with no input.  This by definition is no longer a mediation but a complete abandonment by the "developer" owner on this property.  The Mediator even tried to make a separate deal with the owners away from the table...THIS is Fact with out our knowledge

Quite frankly we are at a complete impasse, the DCA has but all disappeared and no one seems to know who, at the State of Florida, knows who has taken this on?  The DCA Tracking system seems to have disappeared and WE WANT ANSWERS.  You no longer have legal representatives for the city as they all resigned...and no one has an "eye on the legal ship" of this city.

Sunset is to be and will be zoned SF7...The prior zoning was deemed Contract Zoning...Was deemed that the "developer/owner" does not have a legal leg to stand on by your then consultant legal team and yet this keeps dragging out.

We are not going to keep tolerating this Gross Mis-Judgement by the City of Lake Worth any longer.  Its time for ending the mediation in the City's Favor as the Mediation is nothing, nada, not a mediation any longer.  Please contact Mrs. Katie McGiveron ASAP for an update, schedule an appointment with what ever legal counsel you have left for this city so that we as Affected Members of the Community know where we are at.

Thank You in advance for your kind and courteous response so that we as neighbors can finally put this issue behind us and end this 7 year tyranny of holding our neighborhood hostage, creating our sleepless nights, anxiety and depression because the City of Lake Worth does not have the "kahuna's" to take a stand for our neighborhood.

Robert Waples
President of Lake Osborne Heights.


  1. Lynn, you and Robert and people of this caliber are the upstanding citizens in our great little city. I applaud both or you and people like you for writing, for persisting, for expecting quality, not mediocrity, from the CM and our elected officials and leaders here. We all deserve better, thanks for exposing the truth, doing in in a respectful way, and getting things done. Unlike your other blogger friend who attacks people like Suzanne who has done so much for our city and really does nothing for our city but promote negativity and division. Thanks Lynn and thanks Robert for all you do, this city is a better place due to people like you here who care enough to do what is right, who get to the bottomline and do the work that our leaders overlook or drag on doing.

  2. Robert, we have a new P&Z board now that consists of the Maxwell mindset. How do you know your neighborhood can be saved from up-zoning?

  3. Thanks Lynn for all this info and a great blog. I just looked at Wes' blog, he and his followers are crucifying poor Suzanne over there, he is so evil and mean spirited, does he know that there is a God and he needs to answer to Him? I am so ashamed of Wes right now for all he has published about Comm. Mulvehill, it is so slanderous, so non-Christian like. Spewing all this negativity and hate, he is a divider and you are a uniter, you care, and now after seeing what he is doing with his blog, like the old Enquirer, I won't look at it further, I have lost all respect for Wes and his blog, quite ashamed of him. Very sad, thanks Lynn for being more dignified and respectful.

  4. It is sad, Wes seems to have no scruples, but we all need to behave in a way much different from him and his followers, they are the types that murdered Jesus, we need to embrace all, love all, and forgive, we need to unite, work together, solve problems together, and keep plugging along to make this city a better place. Disassociate yourself with hate and negativity and people of this liking. Your life and world will be more positive and productive, wasting your time with negativity and hate is counterproductive, we need to pray for Wes and people like him who hurt our world and its people, we need to promote quality, love, and understanding and demand a better world, not settle for mediocrity or turn to hate. Thanks Lynn for all you do in making Lake Worth a wonderful place to live. There are a lot of people like Robert W who care and do so much in this city and expect nothing in exchange, only wanting a better city, doing things in a positive productive way. If all people could be like Robert in this city, we would have heaven here in this city.

  5. Was Robert Waples involved in the mediation?

  6. Robert thanks so much for everything that you do and that you have done for our city and the people that live in it. I greatly look forward to your future endeavors.Oh,what the heck. To hell with being politically correct. Robert ,you just got tired of wading through all of the SHIT flowing out of city hall,didn't you? Thanks again for your past and future service,my friend. Katie Mcgiveron

  7. In the interest of fairness (I know, I know, this blog does not profess to be fair) this blog has demonized people on the dais as well - and certainly candidates for the dais -
    To say to Wes that 'God' must not exist in his world for posting the opinions of citizens is extremism to the max -
    And on the subject matter, it's been 7 yrs ongoing with the Sunset dilemma - you really can't put all the blame on this Commission and CM who have not even been on the dais for a year - can you?

  8. Well, what IS fair is that Robert did not accuse this commission of anything, now did he? In fact, he stated the present mayor even addressed it. So what NOW is unfair in your mind?

  9. Sure looks and sounds like a Katie McGiveron letter that Robert Waples was coerced into signing.

  10. Waples is the President of that neighborhood association. I am rather sure he has a mind of his own. What a dunce.

  11. Lynn, Let me jump in here. I am Robert Waples, I wrote the letter without Katie's knowledge and then shared it with her after the fact. Ms. Katie McGiveron is one of my dearest friends just so everyone knows.

    Secondly, the letter was responded to by our Wonderful City Manager and Comm. Maxwell also responded to get staff moving on this issue. I personally thank them both for their swift action and the exchange was nothing but pleasant and with great concern on this very serious issue.

    Just to set the record straight I do have a mind of my own and can come out "swinging" when the time calls for it.

    Thank You
    Robert E. Waples II
    President of Residents of Lake Osborne Heights
