Friday, August 24, 2012

Undemocratic Delay on Referendum in Lake Worth

Comment Up
Palm Beach Post
August 22, 2012

Letters to the Editor
Lake Worth disregards voters' interest with March referendum

Regarding the letter “March date works better for referendum,” the newest triumvirate on the Lake Worth City Commission wants a March vote on the height referendum because it believes the issue will lose then. The delay is undemocratic.

The main reason given for the delay is that November is a confusing time for voters, and three months is inadequate to educate voters on the issue. But when will there be a more alert and educable electorate? The letter-writer explains the delay under the justification of educating voters, but also notes that those “who care” will come out, clarifying that low turnout is the goal.

Defenders of a March vote also make strange contortions to justify the $20,000 expense of the extra election. To say the cost is unimportant because money has been wasted on worse things is a stupid argument. This is especially offensive coming from people who campaigned on being fiscally responsible. I remember Mayor Pam Triolo promising that every paper clip would be accounted for. Talk is cheap, but a March election will not be.

Another trio of commissioners has learned disrespect for the voters with alacrity. They don’t want to know what voters think, and when they chose to spend extra it’s necessary, not wasteful. Don’t they see that they are following in the footsteps of the predecessors they love to demonize?


Lake Worth


  1. Sam Goodstein is a big cabal supporter right?

  2. Mr. Goodstein is the former campaign Treasurer of Mayor Rene Varela and presently he is the President of the Lake Worth Democratic club.

    The only cabal that I know of in this city is affiliated with the trio commission.

  3. Oh PLEASE Lynn, you are disputing the fact of Cara, Peter, and Waterman being the Major Cabal in this City??? Oh wait that is right I am sure they are ALL in Tampa right now.

  4. I have no clue as to what anyone is doing in this city especially Cara Jennings. I would presume that she will be demonstrating against Republicans. If you have any concrete info, Please post.

    Rachel Waterman was not affiliated with nor a friend of Jennings during her campaign. If this has changed, then I am not aware of it.

    The major "cabal in this city are all those affiliated with the Trio Commission. I thought I already said that.

  5. Thanks Sam for your excellent letter and telling it like it is. Sad day for lake worth having these three yo yos in office.

  6. Sam, that side knows you are speaking the truth. we don't get much of that from them.

  7. There is no "cabal" in Lake Worth, only a fictional "dirty dozen".
    " I have no clue as to what anyone in this city is doing especially Cara Jennings".
    A couple of weeks ago you were blogging about Jennings stalking Westie. This week you have no idea what she's doing?
    Comments like the above and your reputation as a revisionist is why you have zero creditability with anyone.
    And you know for a fact Waterman and Jennings are friends. This comment just adds on to your lack of creditability.
    Why do you want to rush this vote so much? Why are you so angry that it has to wait until March? You must some ulterior motivations. Deception maybe? You all must think you have some type of advantage by rushing. Something's not right here.

  8. Sounds like Wes, above...the guy oozing with credibility.

    Yes, that's correct. I have NO idea what Cara Jennings is doing. I am not privy to her personal anarchist agenda or Waterman's or anyone else's for that matter. We don't text.

    I do not know that Waterman and Jennings are friends. I will believe it if you say so? End of story. You must always be right.

    The question of the day should be--why do you WANT TO DELAY THIS VOTE? Whey do you think it perfectly A-ok TO SPEND $21,000 of taxpayer money to hold a special election? ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID THAT YOU HAVE TO BE "EDUCATED?"

    If anyone is "angry" about stupidity, it should be all of us.

  9. The dirty dozen - Remember when Mary sent out a mass mailing pretending to be the City of Lake Worth Utility Department (return address) against a candidate.
    From Mary Lindsey's own site: (Factual Analysis Critical for Taxpayers) when they (OK, it was me and the infamous dirty dozen!) sent the flyer below during the 2009 campaign.

  10. i had a conversation with one of these "we need to educate people about the height issues" people and after listening about the florida laws, the plz, the comp plan, the fraudulent petition, mulvehills re-election strategy, and everything else for 30 min we got it narrowed down to the fact that the suggested height limits are 45 and 35 feet. this person had a wealth of knowledge.
    35 and 45. what's there to educate? i would vote for 25 feet max buildings if it came to that. interestingly a new hotel comes up in every discussion when you listen to people with these sorts of ambitions.

    anyway, i noticed many anonymous posters talking about credibility. how about you put your name on your post the next time to increase yours.


    We call these people seagulls: they fly in, shit on your site, and fly away.

  11. In this case, I think it more like a Pelican is pooping. :)
