Friday, August 24, 2012

Message from Michael Bornstein on the Lake Worth beach redevelopment

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The letter below is to a private citizen concerned  about the beach project and all the politics that went into its final design, which is dysfunctional I might add. It is not in response to the worry warts about our seawall or about building over the coastal construction line or to the few who constantly complain that we built the casino in the first place. However, it probably is an answer to their concerns as well:

Dear  _______________:

Thank you for your e-mail regarding the Beach project.  Unfortunately, as the new person in charge, I really am not interested nor do I have the resources and time to focus on all the political intrigue and controversy involved in any of the issues on my plate, especially this one.  However, if you are attempting to convey your support of getting this project opened and all the outstanding issues resolved so the public can begin to enjoy this incredible facility, then we are in agreement. It is my intent to continue to push hard for completion.

While there are many little issues here and there with the design, I have not come across anything at this point that cannot be creatively resolved and improved with some time and effort.  The Lake Worth Beach is the envy of our sister cities and it is the jewel in our parks system.  As such, I am obligated and committed  to deliver the best outcome possible.  Furthermore, I am trusting that the dialogue in this City starts to transform into one focused on a bright and successful future without the baggage of the past.

In Public Service,


  1. Since the heavy lifting has been done for him, apparently all that's left to be done is to "push" for the project to be completed. Funny.

    I wonder, does he plan to ignore the political influence that has driven the dysfunction of our code enforcement for decades? I've noticed that Mr Maxwell does not seem to be interested in addressing it anymore. Who will he blame now?!

  2. Maxwell has had 3 years. Now it's like a light bulb went off. "Well, duh, we have a lot of slum and blight all over our city that was ruined by former commissioners," he thinks. they all, along with their puppet Easton, blame all of the wrong people.

  3. Mr B I would suggest that you quickly learn the past and the players in order to administer this city. If not, you are in trouble. Whatever you do, please guide this commission from making any costly mistakes. Our city can't afford any mistakes repeated from the Jeff Clemons era and before. God forbid.

  4. This new CM is a huge hypocrite, what a phoney and fake. He can't even respond or answer citizen emails or meet with people when they request. He loves to blow a lot of people off in this city, I am not impressed with him, he lies and is a big fake. A huge hypocrite and he needs to do more about the blight in this city and improve public safety. I will not vote for any of the current elected officials in office now, who do not do more about the blight and public safety, they continue to ignore the blight, Maxwell and all of them, there is some kind of scheme going on here as to why they always ignore the blight, the city nor the CRA do anything about it really.

  5. In all due respect, anonymous at 1:50--Mr. Bornstein has always answered my e-mails. He is extremely busy and I can't even entertain a guess as to how many phone calls and e-mails he receives in one day. It has to be mind boggling. In reality, he doesn't really have to answer to the public, only to the commission. I know that the Code Dept had been revamped last year and hopefully we will get an update as to what all the department has been accomplishing. As far as public safety, it is this majority commission that is in love with the very costly PBSO. They are totally mesmerized by them as crime continues as well as all the slum and blight.

  6. With all due respect, Maxwell has repeatedly and constantly addressed the issue of blighted neighborhoods.

    In fact he often speaks to the issue in the context of the commission placing proper priority on the plight of those who have historically been exploited by landlords who refuse to provide safe and sanitary living conditions at a fair an affordable rent.

    To that end, he has consistently pushed for more clearly defined code enforcement planning and execution with respect to curbing blight.

    I am told that a code related initiative the he presented over ten years ago is finally being considered. An initiative that helps homeowners with a proven and demonstrated financial need need the code issues raised by the city.

    Sometimes it's hard to pick up on themes or priorities when everyone is fighting.

  7. Laurel's Decker says: I remember in an attempt to finally get aggressive on the blight a previous commission majority started a very comprehensive CAT code campaign that included LWPD but was considered "oppressive" and "racist" by a couple of former commissioners. I don't remember who those former commissioners are.
    Laurel who do you blame for the blight?
    Why should Bornstein care about the city's past? He's smart to focus on the future.
    Who exactly are "the players". The people that read this blog? the respectful planning pac?
    You skipped a commission. The "best commission ever's" mistakes are going to end up costing the taxpayers a helluva lot more than anything useless Clemens did.
    But you know that and that's why you left them out.
    1:50 it's shocking that the C.M. won't return your calls.

  8. I blame irresponsible owners and renters for the blight. Who do you blame? Why do you continue to blame a city commission? How utterly ridiculous is that? L

  9. You skipped a commission. The "best commission ever's" mistakes are going to end up costing the taxpayers a helluva lot more than anything useless Clemens did.


  10. How dare you make a snide remark about the Respectful Planing pac. You have one hell of a nerve.You're probably too fat and lazy to walk a block for any issue. Get a life..

  11. thanks anon at 442...forgot the vm maxwell was most instrumental in forming the CAT team years ago, along with authoring 6 new code ordinances designed to clamp down on slumlords

    in the end all commissioners need to get serious about attacking blight

    no one should have to live in sub standard conditions

  12. Vice Mayor--I am happy to know that slum and blight has motivated you once again. It is our number one problem within our city and the main obstacle to our going forward allowing properties values to rise, and people, as well as businesses, to move into our city. Stiffer codes. fines, etc. Whatever it takes. Everyone is behind this.

  13. To the person who tried to post here at 9:34 last night, if your tone had been civil, it would have made a difference--it wasn't. This blog is not a slug fest for all the politicos in this city who continually hate everyone and everything.

    Next, you said I don't speak for the people. You are absolutely right. I speak for Lynn Anderson only. You can agree, disagree, whatever, but try and keep it kosher and your temper in check...

  14. The present City Manager has the courtesy of responding to respectful of his Herculean job,communications. He is walking a minefield, with grudges of rightfully discontented Tax payers,a result of gross mismanagement of the PAST, of our City finances,total neglect of all 17 Departments, with e.g.$300,000,- never mailed Utility bills,$250.000.- never Deposited check for 2 years,all of the past with residue.Many of these City damaging facts, subversives try to sweep under the carpet,as their favored Candidates were culpable of all.Not the present C.M.Bornstein.Maxwell's solution for our City's blight,I have mentioned for 10 years, is redistrict the CRA,which job is to reastore blight.In those 10 years blight would have been cleared!!!!I speak with,not for. the honest Lake Worth Citizens Taxapyers,who pay all the salaries.I for 21 years.
    The City manager acknowledged the danger of bankruptcy of Lake Worth if Lake Worth's Utility were sold.I have the, distructive for L.W.,
    FMPA Contract at home.Who has read it???Besides Bill Coakley,and Laurence McNamara?Not Jacka..Jeff Clemens.It is a positive event for the City, when it was announced that the Utility Chair, is going to sell crazy somewhere else, City Hall is all stocked up with it.Ask Michael Bornstein!!!

  15. An amazing response from our new amazing CM. I couldn't agree more with Mr. Bornstein, it's time for all the people in this city with no life and nothing better to do than b!+*# about the past and try to create negativity, to give it up and move. Obviously you can't engage the CM as he is just going to look right past your garbage pile of negativity.

    His email shows we finally have a true leader in City Hall. The only reason anyone would disagree is because they'd rather waste their life arguing about trivial matters because they have no life. Keep up the good work Mike!!

  16. I don't see that at all regarding the "true leader" comment.

    'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it'----

    In this case, Mr. Bornstein does not know anything about the past here in LW and obviously he is not interested in learning it or understanding it.

    No one in this city is creating negativity." There IS negativity. Just go to a city commission meeting and witness all the bickering. Witness all the bloviating and the incessant resistance and opposition to anyone with a different view. We have seen it all in this city. We have lived it. The past is important. To forget it and sweep it all under the rug is just plain STUPID.

    So, life is beautiful and we go on.

  17. MAybe we can all go back to that beautiful time when Stanton was the CM and we had TBCE......LOL

  18. Remind me..what was the best commission ever? We know what the worst is.
