Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Bully Pulpit

Comment Up
All it takes is the ire of the Mayor for her to Call a Point of Order
and swat you like a fly.

A Point of Order means, shut the hell up, according to the mayor. "You have said the same thing before 17,000 times," as she shows haughty disdain and total lack of respect towards Commissioner McVoy. "Condescending is what you're doing," she tells him. Gosh, all he was doing was making points on the Charter Amendment.

A Point of Order can't be used to quash commentary and free speech and used to oppose elected officials from effectively communicating their ideas on the subject because the mayor doesn't like what they have said. There were no violations of the assembly.  This apparent abuse of authority is escalating.

At the beginning of the meeting, the mayor reminded us all about comment procedure and she was not going to tolerate this or that. Mayor Triolo needs to refer to bullet point number 6 on the comment card:  The result of inappropriate outbursts or interruptions will be immediate removal from the meeting escorted by a Police Officer.  The mayor should not be an exception to this policy.


  1. Lynn, that picture is perfect. LOL

    Madam Mayor looked ridiculous last night as she called "point of order" anytime McVoy or Mulvehill said something she didn't like. (But it was fine if Maxwell went off topic with rude comments about things that happened years ago.) Then Mayor Superior went on to rant ad naseum, chastising the commissioners as if they were children --to which a "point of order" was needed against herself.

    It was comical. I kept thinking of Al Pacino in that old movie "And Justice for All" --"Out of Order? Out of Order? You're out of order! This whole room is out of order!"

  2. the mayor is eating too much sugar.

  3. We are all eating too much sugar. It is the 'Big Gulp' that will do us all in!

  4. First "Yes Mother"
    Now The Mayor being portrayed as Mother Superior.
    It's all to much for me.

  5. Ah. Democracy and free speech are such messy little nuisances to our mayor. I truly believe (have you heard that phrase 42 times too many by now?!) that she is a towering embarrassment to a very fine community of tolerant liberals. We can do better. Let's hope Suzanne runs for mayor next year.

  6. So you approved Suzanne's reports ??:

  7. The mayor thinks she is the only one who can call a point of order. I suggest that Mcvoy and Mulvehill call one at every opportunity especially when maxwell goes on and on about nada.

  8. Yes let's all hope Suzanne runs for Mayor next year. I would LOVE to see her debate Triolo or anyone fopr that matter.
    Triolo is a towering embarrassment to the city.
    But Ghetto Goldie, Jennings, let's give the beach away for free Mcvoy, the illiterate lifeguard Drautz, and Mulvehill have all done the city proud.

  9. You, mayor are very rude.The mayor needs to learn some manners.

  10. Since when is eating on the dais acceptable?
    This is a meeting, eat before you arrive, it's not a picnic!
    The three who can't stop chewing could do with losing weight.
    They should take advantage of being away from the fridge not bring it with them.

  11. Would someone please suggest that TriLOLLOL go to anger management school.

  12. Pam, I voted for you,but your behavior is becoming an embarrassment.You had me cringing at the last meeting that I attended. Commissioner Cara Jennings was continually and sometimes very rudely attacked. She never treated anyone in the audience rudely. She certainly never spoke to her fellow Commissioners the way you do. Commissioner Mcvoy and Commissioner Mulvehil have as much right as you do to speak.Have I raised my voice while speaking in my big two minutes (whoo hoo)at the microphone? Yes. But I am NOT an elected official. I did NOT say that I was going to represent all of the people like you did.Our meetings are now online for everyone to see.You represent the city. If you can't control your temper,you need to step down as Mayor.We that bother to come to meetings and those watching online deserve to see a Mayor who can direct a civil meeting. Not a rude Bitch throwing temper tantrums.Katie Mcgiveron

  13. OMG! I just saw this post and the comments.

    My thoughts are the city 'reps' are playing a game of "Mother May I" - with US - ya know - where you have to "BEG" 'Mother May I' and she says 'yes you may' or 'no you may not'!!!

    On another note, anybody hear how king Maxwell spoke about me (Suzanne Squire) 9.7.12 when I was not able to defend myself - won't let me defend myself. I know because I've asked in Public Comment at the LW Podium to be allowed to present ...the rest of the United Nations Agenda 21 story.

    I called in on the mayor's Radio show - Uh - I mean the City's - radio show and told the People "on air' the city was feeding the public a 'word salad' and the public needed to Toss It! The mayor said she would give me time to present the failures of Agenda 21.

    So from the people's dais king Maxwell DECLARES 'someone' a 'false accuser" and himself 'pure of thought and action, intending only to serve US" (ROFL) - and Mother May I completely forgets a really favorite phrase we hear so much - 'point of order' and basically says to king Maxwell "Yes You May slay her publicly (just don't dare 'say' her name, everybody already knows who you're talking about), and I am not gonna stop you either".

    Really now ... is that anyway to treat YOUR BOSS?

    This is exactly why the "Don't Tread On Me" Flag was created and it will fly with all the other flags in front of LW City Hall.

    I, the Constitution Lady promise!

    Read on and see why -
    IMHO ya gotta be pretty thick not to get Alabama's recent Senate Bill 477 that calls Agenda 21 by name, passed unanimously in both of its houses and was signed by the GOVERNOR.

    It says in part "Alabama and all political subdivisions may not adopt or implement policy recommendations that deliberately or inadvertently infringe or restrict private property rights without due process, as may be required by policy recommendations originating in or traceable to Agenda 21."

    LW pays $600/yr to "Participate"
    in ICLEI's arm of Agenda 21 -

    Go to
    Look for Energize Lake Worth and click on it. Then click on: FINAL Energize Lake Worth Sustainability Plan-8-18-11 (Read Minutes: staff report said the goals are to be incorporated in the Comprehensive Plan)

    Read pg. 9 LU 3.0:
    "... to the appliances inside the building, to the furnishings, paint, and cleaning products used in the building."

    Go to:
    Click on: Programs
    Scroll down to: Agenda 21
    Click on it and LOOK AT THE
    United Nations Web address it takes you to.

    This is also why I ask Our Rulers - Uh - I mean Reps - "Do we ALL obey the Rules or do you get to make them up as you go along?"

    Oh and the Internet sales and use tax you will soon find yourself paying - You paid to lobby for it! LW pays the FL & PBC League of Cities $15,000.00 a year and that little piece of legislation was a priority. (In all fairness the County said they wanted it too.)

    Any citizens out there ask your rep for ANOTHER tax?

    Rep's ASK what the people NEED
    Rulers make new rules on whims and thinking they know better.

    June 19th Meeting introduced the 29th New Rule - 'Ordinance' in only
    25 Weeks of the year!

    That's More than 1 NEW RULE a week!

  14. Lynn, YOU, and others like you at the Commission meetings, are the reason bullet #6 is on the back of the Public Comment Card. ("The result of inappropriate outbursts or interruptions will be immediate removal from the meeting escorted by a Police Officer." ) I encourage the Mayor to enforce this and have people removed who just cannot honor decorum.

  15. Aren't you really talking about the back row, yourself probably included and all that sanctimonious commentary at the lectern. Gosh it's hard to listen to. Let's do something about the CDC...bla, bla.

  16. No, I am not part of the back row, nor am I talking about them. I am talking about you and your ilk who use Commission meetings to show all of us how lewd and substandard you can all be. Lynn, you are a very intelligent woman with a great deal of talent as is evident in your blog. I sincerely believe Lake Worth could benefit greatly from you if you would use your blog to focus on what is good and positive about Lake Worth.

  17. Ah gee..That wouldn't be any fun anonymous. Lewd and's that anonymous? Give some examples of this outrageous behavior. Actually I think you got it all backwards. You just need to look straight ahead at the "leaders" for all that action. Is that the best you can do to shut me up. Are you just another TOOL like the Pelican and the back row folks? I will be here until there is decorum and civility from these elected officials, until they can actually begin to independently think and as long as there are people who come here and make insane personal attacks.

    My focus is exposing the truth around this city as well as what's good when it interests me. As I get 1700 hits a day, I don't think that I am losing readership. People are interested in politics. And all I can say is good luck to another "feel good" blog that will be far more liberal thinking than mine.

  18. I agree with you 100% about the leaders needing to stop the personal attacks. It is not just them, however, we all need to stop! I, too, am "up to here" with the back row din and am by no means a tool in their shenanigans. I know it's liberalism at its finest, but I prefer decorum to bedlam when it comes to expression. Giving you examples of substandard, lewd and outrageous behavior would include using "F--- bombs", name calling, walk outs and whispering in the back row instead of more intelligent means of communication. Again, something we are all guilty of and need to curb.
