Wednesday, August 8, 2012

By the Click of his Bic

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Sometimes it's just that easy especially when you hold the power--a click of the Bic can change a City and how it looks.

The Second Public Hearings took place last night on the Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Future Land Use Map. The Vice Mayor wondered if it even needed discussion and asked if there were any changes from the First Reading...there were and the discussion ended up taking 1.5 hours.

With this group, no one is safe living in a single family neighborhood zoned SF-7. Actually, no one is safe living in this city period because a commission can simply vote to change the comp plan and change the LDR's. The only protection we have is through a Charter Amendment.

Pinecrest neighborhood is zoned Single Family 7 and consists of some non-conforming buildings that are multi-family. Saving that he wasn't married to the zoning there, Maxwell, by a flick of his Bic, voted to upzone a single family residential neighborhood. He stated that he had only heard from one resident there (complaining about her property rights if this stayed single family 7). He failed to remember the many owners who spoke and asked that their neighborhood remain single family. One owner was more important to him than the vast majority.

This commission kept the Park of Commerce at 45 feet with an allowable 65 feet through conditional use permit approval by appropriate regulatory authorities.

The Downtown Mixed Use allows for 45 feet west of federal Highway; a maximum of 65 feet east of Federal. Third story and above allowed with the provision of community benefits.

The only thing that changed was Maxwell saying he thought 55 feet at the TOD train stations was more appropriate than 65 feet and a motion was entered, seconded and passed on a 3/2 vote for the Large Scale Comprehensive Plan easy as one, two, three and the click of his Bic.

Read the PB Post and the mayor's negative remarks.


  1. I wish the 55' height limit in the TOD area is included in the motion to approve the comp plan but I don't think it was part of the motion.
    It was discussed, as was the hotel designation east of Federal, and up-zoning the single family neighborhood by Pinecrest Cemetery.
    Maxwell was just teasing.
    The Mayor called for a vote before it could become part of the motion.

  2. Vm Maxwell did make 55' tod motion and also asked the entire commission to consider leaving pine crest as is

  3. But they didn't leave Pinecrest as is. Of course not. Stick it to the people.

  4. " One owner was more important to him than the vast majority".I guess if we all had a pair of double D's to poke Maxwell in the eye with,he would listen to us too.He must have been so blinded by Bra-bra-ella that he forgot to notice the people coming forward and asking him not to upzone a single family neighborhood.

  5. You are the definition of a "useful idiot." Do decker and carson trust you? You know the answer to that one. You go to the meetings etc., but not the ones that matter. You are such a tool. You'll be around til they don't need you any more. Or, another younger, cuter, politically astute, less grey blogger comes along. I hear beth edwards is making inquiries. Hmm.

  6. Thanks for continuing to expose what is going on at the city. I can't get to meetings and don't get to listen online very often. Dictators in power? Very sad.

  7. First of all, anonymous at 7:38--the name is spelled with a K. It is Karson.

    Next, I have no idea what you are suggesting here. I write what I believe, not what someone else3 believes. I will be around until I no longer care to. Age, looks and all those things have nothing to do with being a blogger. Grow up and perfect your personal attacks. You are so desperate to insult someone. Who is Beth Edwards?

    Both sides politically have issues with me...Obama lovers, socialists, etc. . No problem with me, anonymous. You don't bother me and they don't either.

    Your slams just motivate me more. I know I'm doing it right.

  8. Karson? Carson? Do your research. She uses both variations depending on the venue. Of course, if you were on the "inside" you would have known that. You do know that there is a big meeting at Chekika Park next Tuesday. Right? Just an informal meet, and a plan going forward. Are you bringing anything? Potato salad, maybe? Or maybe you'll get the cliff notes?

  9. In order to include the 55' TOD, Pinecrest single-family designation or the hotel designation it would require an amended motion and an amended second. I did not hear an amended motion nor an amended second.

  10. anonymous at 8:57--Don't know a thing about a meeting. I am not in the "group." All I do is take stands on issues and put my money where my mouth is. You seem to know much more than I as far as what people are doing. Are you going?

  11. Commissioner Maxwell made a motion to accept the large Scale Comprehensive Plan with the caveat to change the TOD throughout the town to 55 feet.

  12. Oh, and Andy Amoroso is bringing the spice and Mr. Nice Guy.

  13. Those three really need to go
