Sunday, August 12, 2012

Quote of the Day - Marco Rubio

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"Throughout his life, Mitt Romney has made great decisions, and choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate is a truly inspired choice. Ryan is a courageous reformer who understands our nation's challenges, has proposed bold policy solutions to solve them, and has shown the courage to stand up to President Obama and other Washington politicians trying to tear him down."

 ~ Senator Marco Rubio


  1. I love Marco Rubio. I like Allen West better.

  2. Paul Ryan is a career politician who served in congress throughout the Bush administration, rubber stamping all their failed financial policies.
    Obama is going to be able to tear Ryan's voting record apart and of course the right wing nut jobs are gong to cry dirty politics.
    Allen West wants to keep spending on military weapons despite the fact we have enough nuclear weapons stockpiled to blow up the entire world 100 times.
    Rubio's claim to fame is that he's hispanic in the white man's GOP and they will use him as a tool to try to get hispanic votes.
    The GOP is in big trouble with young guns like these.

  3. Well of course Obama sill "tear his voting record" to shreds. Isn't that what Dems do? It's politics, my friend.

  4. Everyone is a "tool" when they disagree with you. No one is smart enough to figure it all out. Thanks for your BS left wing pinko post, anony.

  5. What's BS about the post at 10:01? Ryan is a career politician that's never held a real job.Soon enough his voting record will speak volumes about him.
    West is a fear mongering "patriot" that couldn't even handle himself under pressure.
    The #1 reason Rubio was being considered as VP was to capture the "hispanic vote".
    Stop watching Fux News so much. Your opinion will matter more.

  6. Gee, thanks for your never ending advice here.
    Ryan was staff economist attached to Kasten's office, which he did after graduating in 1992.[24][25] In his early years working on Capitol Hill, Ryan supplemented his income by working as a waiter, as a fitness trainer and at various other side jobs.[14][23]

    After Kasten was defeated by Democrat Russ Feingold in 1992, Ryan became a speechwriter for Empower America, a conservative advocacy group founded by Jeane Kirkpatrick and William Bennett.[14][26] Ryan later worked as a speechwriter for Jack Kemp, the Republican vice presidential candidate in the 1996 United States presidential election, and later worked for U.S. Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas. In 1997 Ryan returned to Wisconsin and worked for his relatives' construction company, Ryan Incorporated Central, as a marketing consultant for a year.
