Sunday, August 12, 2012

New Blogger in town

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A few of us become bloggers because we feel passionately about issues that affect our lives. It is a platform for those passions and  perspectives. Here in Lake Worth there are a few political blogs and a few "feel-good" blogs. Some bloggers are actually professional writers who just love to write on subjects that turn them on.

Lake Worth now has such a blogger, Margaret Menge. I casually mentioned one of her blogs this past Thursday when I provided a link to the Veterans Parade info. Margaret describes herself as follows:

"I've been in Lake Worth since November of 2010. I moved here from Key West, where I was deputy editor of the Miami Herald-owned paper there. I'm now an editor with Newsmax Media, where I work as an editor on a foreign intel site,, that was launched last year."

Lignet is a web site devoted to worldwide intelligence. The Langley Intelligence Group  Network ( is a Washington, DC-based service providing global intelligence and  forecasting from former CIA, U.S. intelligence and national security officers, drawing on an  international network of experts and sources.

Her new blog, Lake Worth Sun will "just be focusing on Lake Worth, with stories here and there on what's happening at the Palm Beach County level," she said. She also started another blog Lovely Lake Worth where she will post "mostly features related to Lake Worth buildings, parks, history, etc."

Both blogs sound interesting and as we are rapidly approaching our 100th birthday, the Lovely Lake Worth blog in particular will be of great interest to all Lake Worthians.


  1. Thanks for the info,Lynn. Welcome Margaret.

  2. I checked out the blog last week when I read your post. I just checked out the "Lovely" one as well. I think we have another blogger that is posting prior to knowing..... She is describing the heights issue inaccurately. I'm not minding the opinion pieces, but she should post accurately. Maybe you can correct her? Other than that, nice pictures, and nice subject matter. Welcome new blogger! I will add you to my list!

  3. Correct her on what? It is her opinion and I believe, the right one as do 1,790 others who signed the petition with 1,719 certified.

  4. She's doing a great job with both blogs. I like her writing style and photos.
    Looking forward to reading more on her blogs.
    Welcome to the neighborhood.

  5. Oh no, another blogger? Borrrrrrrrrrring

  6. For one, the statement on the Lovely blog, that the Mayor wants 5 and 6 story buildings in the area of 5 and 600 block of Lake and Lucerne.. That is not the area of contention. That area is east of Federal.... 35 and 45 are west of Federal...just an example off first reading. I was hoping for a moderate blog, more informational... and I fear this one is "sided" as well.... But, I will still look at it.

  7. Look--The Charter says that 65 feet CAN be built there.

    You want moderate, go to Sunday school. You want someone to agree with you, go to the other blogs.

  8. Allen West linked your blog to donor pool. Your having an impact. Keep on the team, Lynn. Thank you so much.

  9. Let margaret write her nice littlepieces. YOu, Lynn, continue to crack open their skulls. There were still 47% of the voters that did not vote for the mayor. She shoudl get less the next time around.

  10. Some citizens just want the truth, not the skew.... That's what I was hoping for, but what I want or believe doesn't really matter, and I really don't care who agrees with me... I am still forming my opinion, and I look everywhere I can for accurate info....That's what the average person does...and it is what we as informed citizens can share with others... The TRUTH matters, and more people need to hear it. Look at the Zoning, the Comp Plan, and the LDRs and you can see the plans for the future. The Charter should reflect that as well, and I believe a total Charter review would be very useful....and more than a few charter amendements are in order.... On this point mentioned....the Mayor does not want 5 or 6 story buildings in the area mentioned on the "Lovely" Blog... That is a true statement. In fact, a 5 or 6 story building CANNOT be built there ever again.....zoning won't allow it, nor does the Comp Plan OR the LDRs.... I do realize the Charter actually allows for 100 feet in some areas, which nobody wants... So....back to the point, I hold the new blogger to tell the truth, and then share an opinion on it. Not state a falsehood and present it as fact. As for Lake Worth, we are in a mess, and you gotta start somewhere...instead of knocking heads all the time, and getting nowhere...the current government needs to act as a team, get the LDRs, Comp Plan and Zoning sorted...Review the Charter after that, make the appropriate changes agreed upon and have the people vote on it all at once...otherwise we are just spinning our wheels... But then again, some people thrive on the Chaos...

  11. The whole point is zoning can be changed--Comp Plans and especially the LDR's can be changed by politicians. Nothing is guaranteed unless it is in the Charter. For you to say that it never can be done is just not accurate. They built the Lucerne, didn't they? And please don't tell me that it can never be done again. Politics is what it is in LW.

  12. Sounds like tp doesn't pay attention to what is going on in neighboring cities . . . or what has gone on in LW in the past.
    The Lucerne condo is 80 du/acre but was zoned for 30 du/acre, I believe. At any rate, the highest density allowed in LW at the time was 40 du/acre. So please, wake up tp.
    WPB is poised to WAIVE their comp plan GUIDELINES (yes, guidelines. Not law.) to construct two 20 story condos on the waterfront. Why? Because the poor developer paid too much for the land and now they really want to help him out. Isn't that nice of them?
    Comp plan can be easily waived and variances given to the LDRs. tp must be conveniently spacing out at the meetings when our hero, Mr Waters, is forced to admit those little points on public record.

  13. I believe Lake Worth is trying to get its act together. It is a process. We have been spinning our wheels for way too long. I don't know why the previous commisson(s) ignored the 100 feet for so long... no clue why we didn't sort this stuff out in a time of prosperity... But now, when we can't really afford it, it happens... and everyone is throwing muck into the cogs of progress. The LDRs, Comp Plan, and Master plan for streets are all being organized right now. The charter amendment for heights will go to vote in March. I hope the whole charter will get reviewed SOON after.
    I suggest you all stop listening to propaganda, find the source, and form an educated opinion on the subjects at hand. Attend the meetings, read the notes, submit your wants to the town. Request proof of what you read in the blogs. Whether or not it makes you vote for or against the heights at 45', it is best to go in there with the truth in your head. Nobody is on the dais for the glory or the money that's for sure. I know that nobody likes abuse either. I suggest we do our best to start getting the dais to start acting like a TEAM, and get something done without distraction. I am sick of people spreading lies—we need to spread the truth. We have enough to worry about with the international agendas being stuck into the government organization system from way far up the "food chain". With our own townspeople tearing each other apart like hungry dogs in a pit,we don't even see it. It’s time to find a common ground, come together and find a compromise that will allow Lake Worth to prosper AND retain its charm. There's been enough of the sarcastic belittling on both 'sides'. I challenge everyone to start using your powers for good.

  14. Stop spreading lies, Mayor. Stop running over everyone.

  15. As long as the charter building height maximums are 65'east of Dixie and 100'west of Dixie then it can be built.
