Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Olympic medal winners should not be taxed

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Florida's Senator, Marco Rubio standing up for what's right.

Read about the Bill he introduced today not to tax our Olympic medal winners.


  1. This is America and all people should have to pay taxes on their earnings, athletes too, so many Latinos seem to think it is OK to skirt paying taxes, I do not agree with Marco Rubio on this one or anyone else who thinks they shouldn't have to pay. If you win the lottery you have to pay, if you win an Olympic medal and money, you should have top pay, stop trying to promote a society to avoid paying their fair share. I am tired of all this enabling and apathy for people. WE all should have to pay, the Olympic medalist too.

  2. Our athletes deserve a break. None of them are supported, subsidized or underwritten in any way by our government, unlike most other countries who take care of their athletes. Ours have a lifetime of commitment spending hundreds of thousand to perfect their sport and to compete. It is little that we can do but not to tax them as they bring back so much more in prestige to our country. Give the guys a break. Not all of them get corporate endorsements--very few. How can you compare this to a lottery? No one in a lottery trained his butt off and bore expenses like these athletes who even have to pay their own travel.

  3. Very good, Lynn. Bravo! Was wondering about the Olympics and thought, what's the best place to get the latest news. Oh, any comment on the state audit of the Subregional Sewer System? Just wondering.

  4. LOL. One thing for sure, it will not be in a city manager's report.
