Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mr. Not-So-Nice guy in Lake Worth

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Video Dylan Harrison, a merchant in our downtown Lake Worth.

Click the above link and see Jack Cesare, another downtown Lake Worth merchant, and what he has to say.


  1. Wow.This story could have easily ended with Mr. Cesare being murdered!By their refusal to act on Mr. Cesar's complaints, both Commissioner Amaroso AND the Palm Beach Sheriffs dept. endangered Mr. Cesar's life. This goes beyond politics as usual .Commissioner Amamroso is very tuned in to EVERYTHING happening downtown.At least when most of us out here complain to our Commissioners it just results in a deaf ear,not death threats!Andy and Capt Silva from the sheriffs dept.have some explaining to do. Preferably to the Feds.

  2. This is one hell a video! Jack Cesare is a Lake Worth hero.

  3. Thanks for pursuing this Jack. this is the most interesting expose that has hit Lake Worth in years. Of course Andy Amoros the commissioner had to have known all about this guy.

  4. In another posting, Mr. Cesare said that this Douche-Bag, Dylan, pulled something out of his pocket and gave it to Cesare, a package containing Mr. Nice Guy. Mr. Cesare then consumes this product and gets ill. My question is, why would anyone smoke or eat something that is given to you on the street, business neighbor or not, very poor judgement on Mr. Cesare's part.

    Glad to Sheriff busted these guys, seeing the Vavasutra yard signs on every off ramp and median in Palm beach county makes me sick, why is this allowed?

    Polish Chris

  5. So Commissioner Amaroso just hung up on the reporter when asked about his relation with Harrison? Wow, that speaks volumes!

    Also I noticed that the Emails from Mr. Cesare were sent to Can a public records request me made of a then candidates e-mails be made?

  6. Wow. Thanks to Jack Casare for speaking up & being brave in spite of threats. I agree with poster who said that fed investigation needs to look into PBSO & Amoroso. And I agree with our new local hero Jack Cesare: ANDY AMOROSO NEEDS TO RESIGN!

  7. Good question Polish Chris. It is the same reason I would suspect as to why people get hooked on rugs to begin with. They are urged to try it by a "friend." Who knows how Dylan marketed it to Jack.

  8. Cesare admittedly accepted a sample of this "drug", which apparently was legal at the time, and knew full well it was a synthetic creation and used it with the intent to get high. It wasn't snuck into his drink and he wasn't misled about what it was. He willingly tried the substance and simply didn't like the experience, and made a big deal about it. Had he enjoyed it, he'd have had no problem with this business of mixing chemicals in cement mixers to continue.

    It's pretty absurd to think that by a politician accepting a contribution, he somehow endorses the behavior and activities of the donor. Cmon, $400?! I'd hang up too if someone tried to make that ridiculous connection.

    I'm glad this crap is off the streets, but it didn't take years of investigation to crack the case like the Sheriff would like you to believe. It's been well known where it came from, and completely legal up until very recently. Law enforcement sat back and watched this become a big business, so they get a news headline and big money and assets to put on the table quite conveniently in time for Bradshaw's re election.

  9. Pretty awful that we have this in our downtown and Amoroso did nothing but instead took a campaign contribution. When are we ever going to get the good guys back in power? Just go to dave's bar every night to see one commissioner holding court.

  10. Palm Beach Post: 4:15 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 2, 2012

    City Commissioner Andy Amoroso plans to travel to New York to promote Lake Worth, paying bulk of costs himself

    Wow Andy, sure is a convenient time to get the hell out of town. I’d call you to ask about it, but you’d just hang up on me. The truth hurts, huh?

    So Mr. "I'll Second That"... exactly what is it that you’re trying to promote in NYC? Toxic synthetic drugs? Or just the porn that you sell in back of your store? Lake Worth doesn’t need your kind of publicity!
