Monday, August 13, 2012

Mr. Nice Guy might get out on bail

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A federal judge Friday morning ordered that Dylan Harrison, one of the men arrested for producing and nationally distributing synthetic marijuana under the name Mr. Nice Guy, and also charged with putting the community in danger and misbranding the product, will be released from jail once his family helps him post $600,000 bond.



  1. I didn't know anything about it. End of story.

  2. That stupid place is still opened and weird looking characters hanging out.

  3. Why not return the campaign contribution? If not - donate the same amount to a charity. A NON-Government charity - old fashion real one. Not made up fed fake ones.

  4. Have you posted he donated to Golden and Mulvehill? You're all about the truth!!

  5. I decided to post this lie. I want you to send me the link to the T-Report proving your allegation.

  6. So you are saying that Dylan Harrison definately 100% DID NOT DONATE MONEY TO MULVEHILL?

  7. GOD ALMIGHTY. I asked you to prove your allegation. You guys are always asking for proof on everything else.

  8. Yes. Stop dragging everyone else down in the muck along side you. If anyone else got a campaign contribution from this alleged dealer, they did not know his history. Andy should have and I think before it's all over, one of those guys will spill the beans.

  9. GOD ALMIGHTY. I asked a simple question. I don't know how to access campaign contribution records like you guys obviously do.
    Did Harrison contribute to Mulvehill's campaign or not?
    And just so I understand your logic.
    If Mulvehilll DID receive a campaign contribution from Harrison (see no allegations, I used IF) she's in the clear and didn't know his history.
    But Amoroso should have known.
    You guys are really effed up.

  10. Mulvehill and Golden DID NOT receive campaign contributions from Dylan Harrison. Can we be any more clear now? I think you have it azz backwards--it is not they who are F&*ked up.

  11. It's all on the lake worth web site. anyone can check to see and there is no contribution from this guy to anyone other than amoroso. Sorry to burst your lie, anony.

  12. Word is you're covering up your pals Lynn!

  13. Why not check it out yourself? I wouldn't cover up for the Pope, anonymous. Don't need to. You prove it; I'll post it.

  14. Page 4 of 6, Sequence # 31

  15. Did he also give to Wes Blackman?
