Monday, August 13, 2012

Lake Worth Trio Commission suggests breaking the law

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Whoa--the people had better call a Point of Order here. The Commission suggested breaking the law as offhandedly as the Mayor calls all her Points of Order when she doesn't want to hear a different viewpoint.

At the past city commission meeting, with the  commission majority still angry that citizens dare petition its government and dare go against its wishes, it was stated that the public needed to be educated on the height issue in our downtown. It was the trio's desire to include their "educational" information in with the Utility bill allowing all of us dopes (and thugs) to "see the light" as well as pay for it.

Here is what the law says:

106.113 Expenditures by local governments.
(1) As used in this section, the term:
(a) “Local government” means:
1. A county, municipality, school district, or other political subdivision in this state; and
2. Any department, agency, board, bureau, district, commission, authority, or similar body of a county, municipality, school district, or other political subdivision of this state.
(b) “Public funds” means all moneys under the jurisdiction or control of the local government.
(2) A local government or a person acting on behalf of local government may not expend or authorize the expenditure of, and a person or group may not accept, public funds for a political advertisement or electioneering communication concerning an issue, referendum, or amendment, including any state question, that is subject to a vote of the electors. This subsection does not apply to an electioneering communication from a local government or a person acting on behalf of a local government which is limited to factual information.

The Chief Facilitator


  1. Nothing surprises me about these three.

  2. Once again only half the truth.... The discussion about putting an insert into the utility bill related to educating the residents. The last sentence in subsection 106.113 says "This subsection does not apply to an electioneering communication from a local government or a person acting on behalf of a local government which is limited to factual information. No one suggested campaigning on this issue other than McVoy and Mulvehill The public is owed an accurate depiction of the proposed rules as opposed to the skewed graphics used by the petitioners.

  3. Once again, you can't read and comprehend. Good try.

  4. Great catch Lynn!

    It was an amazing piece of PROPAGANDA we paid for.

    I love the enterprise zone part -
    they say it like it's a good thing! It is just another Fed Grant Boondoggle like the story about how the CRA adds to our tax base! Point of order that lie!

    I need to get with you and show you the places in public record that prove your point!
    Let's give everyone the opportunity to HEAR how Public benefit works.
    We both watched P&Z/TD Bank Waiver. Was NOT happening for over 2 hours - TD lawyer asked for break to talk to LW lawyer (8 min) then the meeting was called back to order and in 3 MINUTES the deal was done.
    Public Benefit was placed on the alter and they (P&Z) asked for bike stripes on BOTH sides of the road TD offered to pave and stripe from Publix on Dixie east to federal.
    Who asked all those people where they would park after the bike stripping was done and parking reduced or REMOVED?

  5. Once again, read and comprehend this: "This subsection does not apply to an electioneering communication from a local government or a person acting on behalf of a local government which is limited to factual information." For example, how buildings would actually look once all the regulations are applied to a given situation. We have freedom of speech but we don't have the freedom to yell "Fire" in a theater when there isn't one. Sort of like what the petitioners did at our residents' doors.

  6. I also thought the majority's concern was: "This subsection does not apply to an electioneering communication from a local government or a person acting on behalf of a local government which is limited to factual information."

    I wonder what the City Attorney decides.

  7. By your own printed declaration:
    This subsection does not apply to an electioneering communication from a local government or a person acting on behalf of a local government which is limited to factual information.
    Education is fine, and we need matter if it turns people to a yay or nay vote. Truth is truth.
    I personally think a town meeting would be great.... maybe at Compass? Again, inlammatory statments do nothing but cloud the issue.

  8. A local government or a person acting on behalf of local government may not expend or authorize the expenditure of public funds for a political advertisement or electioneering communication concerning an issue, referendum, or amendment, including any state question, that is subject to a vote of the electors.

    And neither can a person or a group.

  9. tp you sure need to get educated.

  10. Reading comprehension is great. Spreading facts is not illegal.

  11. Andy, set Dylan free.

  12. The only concern the majority has is their developer friends.


  13. For the really brain dead out there-(Mayor Triolo, Commissioner Maxwell and Commissioner Amaroso,I'm talking to you)Think of it this way- Say the REFERENDUM is a joint of POT.An electioneering communication is a box of Oreos. And some bit of factual info that the public needs is a chocolate chip cookie. It is against Florida law to stuff the joint in our electric bill and send it out to us. Triolo,Maxwell and Amamroso can stuff all the Oreos and chocolate chip cookies that they want into our electric bills.If Triolo,Maxwell and Amaroso try to suff that Referendum/joint into any envelopes using our tax dollars, they are breaking the law and I hope that all three get removed from office by the state of Florida. Katie Mcgiveron

  14. For all you people out there who have no reading comprehension....The Law that Lynn cited, states the requirements of the statement in the first part, and the EXCEPTIONS in the 2nd part. Therefore "Facts" are allowed. However, "Lies" are not. There are a lot of people confused between those two words out there. Also, the mayor directed the CM to make arrangements to educate the public..However he does that, I don't care. Electric bills would be less expensive for the public, and have a farther reach, but a Town Hall meeting would be just as nice. A newspaper article, as long as it is written by a representative of the City, or approved by the City, would be nice as well. I will listen to what they have to say. I am open minded. Not sure how I will vote yet, but I will go in there with the best intentions. I ask again, don't just believe what's out there, find out the truth for yourselves--the future of LW is at stake.

  15. tp--4 stories or 6 stories? Is that one that difficult?
