Tuesday, July 31, 2012

WPTV video on voting down citizens petition in Lake Worth for November

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"One commissioner (Scott Maxwell)  who voted against putting the ordinance on the November ballot said he wants to allow his residents enough time to understand what is at stake. He said many Lake Worth residents are seasonal and are not here to get in on the conversation."

This was nothing more than sleazy politics. Most snowbirds are registered out-of-state, live here less than 50% of the year and have little interest. In fact, I do not believe or  know of anyone that the Vice Mayor has called regarding this issue who lives all year round in his district.

Read the story and see the video. CLICK HERE


  1. when did the #$% %^& say that?

  2. About the same time he wanted to get the heck out of there for Dave's. He, even to the end, wanted to conduct a poll on the name change Talk about having the pulse of the city here!!!! Gads zooks. This is a guy who won't talk to anyone but Greg, Peggy, Mary and Jack the Ripper.

  3. Has ANYONE seen Maxwell walking door to door trying to educate anyone? He wants to educate the people? Bullchit!!!!He knows he is in deep crap. People are not stupid. Maxwell,Triolo and Amaroso don't represent the taxpayers. They are terrified of a vote becayse they know they are going to get their asses kicked!!!!!!!

  4. Maxwell wants time to collect under the table money from developers and Chamber Commerces around the state of Florida to finance his lies.Maxwell ,you are nothing but a lying b. Jack wont be able to message with you at the next meeting. What will you do then? You might as well just stay at Daves.

  5. You felt so strongly about dispensing misinformation, speculation and basically lies about someone you had to post it twice?
    Whenever you all don't get your way you turn into tasmanian devils. Your parents must have had fun raising you.
    I go to Dave's all the time for many years and have seen King Maxwell there ONCE.

  6. You must have missed him when he was there.
