Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Waples steps down from Lake Worth's Planning & Zoning Board

Comment Up
UPDATE:  Mark Parrilla is now a voting member of P&Z

The Voice of Reason has Resigned:

From: Robert Waples [robertwaplesii@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 8:34 AM
To: Pamela Lopez Cc: William Waters; Sandi DuBose; Karen Vaughn; Pam Triolo; Scott Maxwell; Suzanne Mulvehill; Christopher McVoy; Andy Amoroso Subject: Planning & Zoning

 Good Morning All,

After Months of personal reflection and soul searching, I have finally come to a decision that my time on the P&Z, N&A and Signs Appeal Board has come to an end. (Effective this day of Tuesday, July 31, 2012)

I personally thank everyone for the opportunity to serve and work with what I consider one of the now, strongest staff we have seen in years. This decision does not come lightly to me as I felt my contributions have been solid and well thought out for each and every vote and recommendation. I feel very strong on the future of our great city and know that I can better serve in other ways

This decision will allow me more time to do and pursue other avenues that are now more important to me in my life and for my own family, and to raise the bar of quality events to help shape and serve those who are in much need through out Lake Worth and Palm Beach County.

I wish all of you the best in your endeavors and pray that God will grant you the wisdom, patience and the art of collaboration in order to make the best decisions for our wonderful City of Lake Worth. Please remember as you look at each and every decision that we the people are relying on you to make sound and rounded decision based on what is best for all.


Robert E. Waples II


  1. It began with the firing of our city manager. We had our entire legal department just resign, Mulvehill announcing she will not run again and now the Chair of P&Z stepping down. This entire city has been flipped on its ear. Did something else prompt this decision?

  2. The City is burning. You have no idea what is in store for you. We got you. You should have worked harder and got Rachel re-elected. The City is now ours. How does that feel?

  3. It feels like a bunch of WEIRD SICKOS are in charge of the Funny Farm. Good people get worn down.

  4. Wasn't the firing of CM Stanton a good thing given all that has been revealed since she left.
    The CA seemed indicisive and not not helpful to the Commission on several matters. This Law firm seems much more experienced and decisive at the same cost.
    Mr Waples is held in high esteem for his honesty. I take him at his word.

  5. Lynn, isn't "It feels like a bunch of WEIRD SICKOS are in charge of the Funny Farm."--a little strong?

    While they are certainly different from the last Commission majority, didn't they run for office on being different?

  6. Your sub-title was spot on. Robbie WAS the voice of reason on the board. I was extremely happy to see him reappointed and thought he'd be a great bridge builder from the old board to the new.

    Rest assured he will continue to work for the betterment of Lake Worth and the surrounding areas with his selfless volunteerism.

    Thank you Robbie for your service.

    Sometimes you can do more without the restrictions imposed on you by being a board member.

    Truly the voice of reason.

  7. No--they did not run for office on being different." What's different? Screaming, abusing, bullying, lying, yelling, not allowing people to speak, cracking the whip and playing dirty politics. You must have learned all of that from one of your favorite clowns who is a part of the Dirty Dozen. That person plays more dirty than anyone. And the list goes on.

    And for the other person who got insulted about what someone said, go to Wes' blog where he and his followers are 100% worse. and normally just vile people in general. Get over it. Politics is a rough sport.

  8. Anon 12:41 p.m.--- It feels like comments from someone who is more interested in his/her Tit for Tat agenda (just like this blog author stated) than the welfare of the city. Do you seriously think a rational caring individual uses phrases like: "You have no idea what is in store for you." or "We got you." or
    "The City is now ours." Such myopic self-centered expressions bring shame to the speaker. Better to remain silent than display such a lack of integrity or respect for your own self.

  9. It all just shows how far the city has gone down. These people think they can save it by building vertically in the downtown and treat people like chit. Talk about clowns.

  10. Anonymous at 1:03--Not sure if you are accurate about our new law firm being cheaper than Elaine Humphreys. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out in 6 months. Hopefully, we will all have our own city attorney on staff again. We need one at our fingertips and someone entrenched in our city who is knowledgeable on the issues.

  11. Oh sweet Jesus, Mark Parrilla is now a voting member of the P&Z, Isn't there a video of him saying he is ignorant of the way the board works?

    Mark does do a lot of good things, but his train wreck of chairing the PRB is stuck in my mind.

    This is The End of the World as We Know it!

  12. Stanton was an excellent cm. What has been revealed since she left? Stuff maxwell is dreaming up? God, that guy just has to be right.

  13. Robert,thanks for everything you do.I'm greatly looking forward to your future endeavours here in Lake Worth.A person can only be lied to so much. I guess you just got sick and tired of trying to keep your head above all the shit that has been flowing out of city hall lately.Katie Mcgiveron

  14. Friends--This blog is about Robert Waples stepping down. I for one will miss him on P&Z. He is the only one who received all 5 votes from the Commission. There's a reason for that--honesty and integrity and understanding the issues.

  15. Can't blame you for stepping down. It would be a tough pill to swallow with that group. No one likes beating their head against a stone wall.

  16. Lynn, a whole bunch of 'us', ie: Lake Worth citizens, are enthusiastic the whole town has been 'flipped on it's ear'.
    It's odd to me that 'you guys' all seem to believe that 'we' are bubbling over with the desire to turn our town into Delray or Boca or WPB. If 'we' wanted that, believe me, we'd live there.
    No-one I've heard has any desire to change the small town feel and general character of the town. 'We' bought homes here because we wanted to be here and purposely chose Lake Worth.
    Why don't you believe that ? Isn't that just common sense?
    I would be grateful to hear from you, the reason you believe 'we' are all 'developer' types whose sole reason for moving here was to try to rape the city and change a town.
    Who have you EVER heard of besides 'The Donald' or Cara, who would ever do that? Why?
    And if you can, I would be grateful if you would tell 'us' who the dirtydozen are? Maybe it's a secret, I've no idea.
    'We' are citizens who want Lake Worth to succeed, and not go under. ( and only because we LIKE it here) It makes good sense to have business minded people onthe dais and on Boards, 'we' feel.
    'We' do not feel that the past Commissions have had a focus on the success of our city.
    Unfortunately I feel I have to mention again, that by success, 'we' do not mean turning into Delray, etc (see above)
    Special interests came first and foremost, as 'we' saw it.
    Those special interests cost money and only fulfilled the personal gratification of a select few who believed they were doing the best for the city. Ie: the reverse osmosis - I haven't heard one person mention it, ever, as a plus for the town. Is it a great thing to have? Yes! Is it something a town like ours could afford ? 'We' don't think so, and only because it seems to be luxury item in a time where luxuries are not afforded.
    In any case, sorry to be so long winded and I'm sure I'll get bashed by posters left and right, but (and I write this very sincerely) I'd so appreciate if you would post your theory about how this group 'us' got together and what theory or mission statement you feel that 'we' subscribe to. Please?

  17. Sad, but not surprised to hear about Robert Waples’ resignation. (The surprise was when he re-applied to the board.) He was the last of the good guys left, obviously not willing to take the crap that passes for the new way of doing business at City Hall. I’m sure his hard work and good deeds will be appreciated elsewhere.

    At the last P&Z meeting of the “previous board” Robert admitted that it was “eye opening” (his words) to see the 3/2 majority commission vote down most of the suggestions made by the P&Z (after years of hard work to find reasonable consensus.) I’m pretty sure that he thought those 3 were his political allies. But give the Terrible Trio enough time, and they’ll not only destroy everything we love about Lake Worth, they’ll end up pissing off just about everyone in town –-except those who are in a financial quid-pro-quo.

    Now that all those pesky “non-professionals” are off the P&Z board, we can turn to the likes of Mark Parrilla to make the sound, educated, complicated decisions that only a real professional can make. William Waters must be pulling out his beautiful head of hair. Ouch.

  18. Robert Waples was a great presence on the P&Z. Just a point Lynn, he wasn't the only one to get 5votes from the Commissioners.

  19. We are talking about the P&Z board only--I beg to differ with you anonymous above: Here was the count:

  20. Lynn, 4 of your last 5 posts on this blog was not about P&Z board.Answer anon. post 7/31 @ 9:25 P.M. or start another Blog and answer it. It was polite, not bashing, and not accusing you of anything. I would very much look forward to your answers.
    Thank You

  21. Sorry, you have lost me. If I did not post your comments it is because the content was inaccurate or you resorted to some sort of attack or smear. As I don't know what posts you are referring to and you posted anonymously, there is no way of looking them up.

    This is sort of like what the commission just told us last week--"We didn't even have to put this item on the agenda."

  22. Lynn, the post I was referring was a post you published From anonymous July 31,2012 at 9:25 P.M. on this blog.He asked you several questions that I would like you to answer. Thank You.
