Saturday, July 21, 2012

Obama's motorcade passes through Lake Worth

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President Obama drove through the City of Lake Worth on Friday morning on the way to PB International and Air Force One. And wouldn't you know, I did not have my camera. I never dreamed he would be taking this route.

Roads were blocked everywhere. I was not allowed to cross Lucerne over Federal Highway on my way back from the bank and was diverted north. I parked on 2nd Avenue North and waited for President Obama for about 40 minutes and his motorcade. One deputy told me that I had better remove my Allen West bumper sticker. He was kidding.

All cars were stopped. One guy wanted to know how he could get out of the city of Lake Worth. He was told that he couldn't. One lady yelled out her window at the deputy on duty there and asked if this mess was all for the president. When told that it was, she said, "Oh great!" Not everyone was thrilled about being held up.

Every PB motorcycle deputy must have been there that morning. The security was dense. As the President rode by, he waved from his bullet proof limo.

No matter how you feel about Obama's policies, it was a thrill to have the president of the United States drive through our little town. This is a day to remember.



  1. I would put money on it that he liked the lows rise look of it too.

  2. What was his exact route through our city? Does anyone know? Did he go by my house?

  3. I moved here for the small town feel. I say if people don't like our small town then they should find some place more suitable to their special desires. Delray comes to mind. Boynton might do.

  4. I believe he traveled up A1A, over the LW Bridge, up Lucerne to Federal and then north. That is what it looked like from 2nd Ave North.

  5. Obama spent time with his evil rich friends in Manalapan. Obama is the worlds biggest hypocrite!

  6. Obama, Spent the night at the Ritz. All his rich friends have flown north. THAT WHY WE CALL THEM SNOW BIRDS. Maybe if we had that evil hotel The GulfStream open he could have stayed there.

  7. LOL.
    No one has ever said or has been against the Gulfstream Hotel. Everyone in LW loves this historic building. We sorely need someone to buy it, renovate it and open doubt about it.

    It was one of those greedy investor/developers who bought it for an astronomical sum. Then the economy crashed and he lost it to foreclosure. He wanted waiver after waiver from the P&Z that was in place back then and got them. It is the same mentality that is on that board now with even the Vice Chair back on the Board who later became the attorney for the failed owner. Schlesinger couldn't make it in a bad economy and expected the city to put up with his every whim and give him his wishes. He nearly achieved it until a concerned citizen stepped in to preserve where he lived.

    With a Charter Amendment, that won't happen. Developers swill build within our rules--hopefully.

  8. Maybe it was exciting but I still won't vote for him.

  9. Couldn't have been your friend Charles Celli with all his appeals to the commissioner?

  10. Mr. Celi is not a friend of mine. I know him, as do you I suppose..I can identify him when I see him. I do, however, admire him for standing up for where he lives and to fight the ridiculous waivers given to that hotel owner to build high right across the street from where he lives or owns a unit.

  11. POTUS: The secret service doesn't advertize these things, but apparently the Prez spent the night at the Ritz Carlton (PBPost said he was in Manalapan, it's a logical deduction.) With Lantana bridge closed, obvious route to I95 or PBIA is over LW bridge and through our lovely little town.

    Of course due to tragedy in Colorado that day, Obama cancelled his campaign events in Florida.

    LYNN: Yes politcs aside, it's exciting to see the leader of our country up close. I wish you'd had your camera! Which goes to show, you need to have your camera on you at all times, and/or get a cellphone with a camera for this kind of unexpected opportunity.

    Easy for me to say: I have a camera phone & have never taken a picture with it. But I turn to you for all the important LW news & photo ops. You're always at the places where things happen in LW--whether on purpose or just because you're out & about.
