Saturday, July 21, 2012

Keeping our Small Town charm

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Lake Worth Public Library

Before The Lucerne, the skyline to the west of the library
 had no obstruction.
Before The Lucerne, we could see the sky.

Now we hear that Mayor Pam Triolo is challenging our petition language. Is she a lawyer too? What will they think of next? Challenge our rights under The Constitution? As the Supreme Court says, " People have the right to appeal to government in favor of or against policies that affect them or in which they feel strongly. This freedom includes the right to gather signatures in support of a cause and to lobby legislative bodies for or against legislation." Our city attorney said that the petition language is "legally sufficient."

You have to ask yourself why the "visionaries" are working so hard to keep this referendum from getting on the ballot. Commissioners McVoy and Mulvehill understand the rights of the people--they do not represent any special interest other than citizens rights. Is it because the majority trio knows  that most people do not want our city to grow vertically and that we want to remain a low-rise city of no more than four stories?

The Mayor has said that the petitioning is "political" and she has some problem with that. I have a big problem with elected officials treating their constituents like dog dung and telling lies from the dais to make political points and fighting us with every last breath. They do represent all of the people, do they not? The people are forced to sit there and take Maxwell's and Triolo's political rhetoric like good little sheep until two weeks later when perhaps we can respond to their false allegations and Maxwell waving a flyer in front of us declaring it was full of lies. There was no lie in the flyer but rather shameful behavior from the Mayor and Vice Mayor with the Vice Mayor filibustering, delaying the entire process on Tuesday night telling us all to stick it where the sun don't shine.

It is a fact that since Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso voted to change the Comp Plan to allow 65 feet, that is exactly what can be built in our downtown.

People like the "flavor" of a small town; that is why they are here and that is why we are petitioning--to give them a voice.


  1. For the person who tried to post here about how sick and tired she is regarding our small town flavor and small town charm, and all the other adjectives,
    You will be hearing a heck of a lot more about that.
    Go post somewhere else. Take your negative disposition and hang it at the mayor's or vice mayor's house. They are the only ones who can relate.

  2. "Our city attorney said that the petition language is "legally sufficient." Enough said. Pam Triolo is the Mayor,nothing more. She has no say in the legal workings of this process. Why is anyone even concerned about what Miss Blotard thinks?Is the respectful planning Pac paying their attorney in Lucky Charms?Miss Mayor Blotard better be careful or she is going to be getting a call from the state attorney AND the county ethics dept.Jesus!

  3. It really is so delicious that our meetings are now televised for the whole world to see.Everyone got to see the evidence that Pam Triolo was one RAB(Rude Ass Bitch) at Tuesday's meeting with their own eyes!A friend from Seattle that saw the Pirade(Pam and tirade,get it?)on youtube e-mailed me it was better than soccer!! I thought her friggin head was going to pop off! I didn't think it was possible for another human being to get even redder in the face than Scot Maxwell does when he's foaming at the mouth,but RAB sure did!RAB better watch out or she might have a stroke right in the middle of her multiple gavel banging episodes!!! Maybe we can put RAB on pay for view!Or maybe a new reality show"That bitch aint no Ho,she's the Mayor".Think about THAT revenue source,Mikey!

  4. Lynn, I have said it before and I will say it again. We cannot go east, west, north, or south, so where the hell would you like us to go other than up????? If we were not in Florida, maybe we could go underground, and you could be the Queen of the Mole People.

  5. I decided to post the above comment this morning. Just another "charming" citizen here in LW.

    We are the MOST DENSE city on the east coast of Florida. Frankly, we don't need to start building higher in our downtown. Let's concentrate on the Park of Commerce, Maxwell's number one priority. Actually, if he went back to his original NUMBER ONE, slum and blight in the neighborhoods, we could probably really grow this city--someone might actually want to move here. If we could reduce our elec rates, someone might want to move here.

    Growing/building up is not the answer. Taxes would increase as more services would have to be provided. And frankly, people don't want buildings to go up.

  6. Not a CAVER or PAVERJuly 22, 2012 at 9:21 AM

    Obviously you are selective in the posts you allow to make it appear your position is the majority opinion. But the fact is there are many, many people in this City who feel the 65 foot height limit will not be the death of LW, but possibly a renaissance. In other words, there are plenty of people in LW who support the decision to raise height limits. (Oh ya, and before you say we are all developers, I am not. Just an average LW resident who loves the City as much as the cavers).

  7. You say if, if , if, then you say we can not give up our cash cow (L.W. Utilities) If we do not give it up, or improve it so the rates can go down, NO ONE will EVER want to move or invest in our charming little LOW RISE city.

  8. Really,I thought I heard Commissioner Mulvehill say that it cost more to provide services to residential units then for commercial we spend $1:15 for residential. But only $.60 for commercial. What if the 3 lots east of Federal were only for hotels and shops? Would you support that,at 65 feet?

  9. Anonymous at 9:21-
    Let the people vote.

    At 9:28--same guy?
    Get good management. We are reducing rates. This present majority commission just voted down outsourcing of the customer service department. Their action caused us to lose at least $1 mil. Get rid of the Unions, the biggest cost for our City. This was a terrible vote by this commission in order to placate to the unions. I have to wonder if Maxwell is REALLY a Republican. We have a very valuable asset in our utility. Rates are going down in this budget and at the end of 2013, we will have a new energy provider.

    At 10:02--
    It does cost us more in services for residences and commercial property. Industrial is the way to build our tax base--the Park of Commerce is the key. We allow every business in our downtown to get away with NOT paying impact fees. This is all BS and politics and hurts the city.

  10. The question was about the $.60 cent commercial rate, would you be for the hotels east of Dixie?

  11. The point is, put the issue of heights to a vote of the people. Why are Triolo, Maxwell & Amaroso so afraid of that --and so angry about it? If it's true that many people are in favor of heights downtown there's an easy way to find out on election day.

    To those who are tired of hearing about LW charm. Seriously? I suggest you pack up & move out. There are plenty of places in PBCo & SoFla that love new development, condo canyons, and high rises.

    If construction & real estate industries want to make money in LW, they should focus on refurbishing our historic houses, neighborhoods and downtown, instead of tearing down unique existing structures so they can build & sell newer, uglier, taller, denser look-alike buildings.

    The focus of new development in LW belongs in our Park of Commerce: undevleoped & a tax base bonanza. But that doesn't mean we have to cut down dozens of beautiful old trees to do so. (Joe Kroll's legacy lives on: why try to keep something green when you can destroy it in the name of progress & improvement?)

  12. I am so tired of hearing you whine about the commission not doing what you want. If I hear "small town flavor" one more time I think I will scream. We are a city with no tax base that's going broke and the changes in heights proposed by the city will help us grow responsibly. You can scream the opposite all you want. You can have Annabeth talking about what "the people" want but the fact is you don't represent me or my neighbos who want to see this city come back from the brink of bankruptcy, want to see the city clean up the filth and want your vocal minority to go away. You have done enough to destroy this small town. Many small cities I have visited have a mix of building heights and this mixture helps to support a prosporous town. Your group really needs to look around and see the flavor of poor neighborhoods that previous commissions ignored and allowed to fester. Those days are over Lynn. We need change and we need it now. A new hotel east of Federal would help to pay for a library, beach and much more with the taxes it would generate. But oh my God it would be 65 feet tall. The flavor would be wonderful.

  13. Sure a developer can come in and build a hotel 4 stories high.

  14. It was my understanding the commission was ready to allow the petition to proceed but there was not enough signatures. Is this true or not? If true then your line about them not allowing the citizens to vote is not true?

  15. Which unique existing structures are being torn down to they can build newer uglier buildings? Which unique structures have already been torn down? Please provide a list for the rest of us to review.
    The NSP2 grant along with construction and real estate industries ARE ALREADY refurbishing old houses neighborhoods around downtown.
    Didn't Joe Kroll MOVE a bunch of trees, not cut them down?
    America is the greatest country in the world!. Where else can you write whatever you want, whether it's true or not doesn't matter?

  16. LOL--that's a good one anonymous above.

  17. I know it's a good one. What about the answers? Which unique structures have been knocked down, did Kroll MOVE trees or cut them down, can't the anonymous poster see that new and rebuilt houses for poor people are popping up all over town?

  18. I want to vote on the issue which is all that this petition is requesting. If tall buildings are a great idea then those in favor of them can explain how and why the citizens should support them. Same for the other side.

    This issue is too important for one commission to decide. It should be put to the voters which is what WPB did. I'm against the tall buildings now b/c I really think the ones that have been built are horrible (with the exception of the Lofts) and I don't see any benefit to me as a citizen or a tax payor. The horrible building on 2nd Ave. North which has been empty since it was built it a travesty. It absolutely towers over the historic cottages in Parrot Cove, I don't want to see more of that.
