Friday, July 27, 2012

Lake Worth to discuss Charter Amendment Initiative on Saturday

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Options for Commission consideration:

  • Approve the ordinance on second reading;
  • Approve the ordinance on second reading after noon on August 10th but during the 60-day consideration period will result in a special election between 90 and 180 days of the approval date
  • Deny the ordinance during the 60-day consideration period will result in a special election held between 90 and 180 days of the denial date.
  • Take no action within the 60-day consideration period will result in a special election held between 90 and 180 days from the 60-day consideration period ending.
I move to approve/disapprove Ordinance No. 2012-30 on first reading


  1. I suppose you and all your disrespectful name calling comrades will be there bright and early for the best seats to lobby the visionaries that you hate and trash sooooooo much.

  2. LOL. You are totally confused. There were no people there who were disrespectful who were volunteers for this referendum. In fact, from the beginning of the meeting and to the end, it was they who had to endure abuse with two elected officials calling them liars. Why not replay the audio. It was the MAYOR, number one who was out of control followed by the King himself. They were lucky we kept as cool as we did.

    One thing-- I don't hate anyone. just disagree with them...big difference. This is politics my friend. And you are going to get the truth no matter whether you can handle it or not.

  3. The mayor should kick all of those in the back row out of the chamber. That would be a start towards civility.

  4. Blotard Triolo will be her bitchy self. She will probably throw a gavel at anyone who dares to cross their legs.Maxwell knows he's on his way out of office, so he is just trying to make as many back room deals for himself as quickly as he can. He has never cared about or represented the people of his district.Mary Lindsey has spent countless "volunteer " hours at city hall telling Blotard,Lame Duck and Mr." I second that" what to do.I wouldn't be surprised if Blotard borrowed Lindsey's Megaphone to scream at people to shut up with.
