Friday, July 27, 2012

Follow the Money

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Sometimes it is good to follow the  money.

Kavasutra Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in West Palm Beach. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Sep 22, 2008.

Dylan Harrison, the guy who was just arrested by the DEA for selling and manufacturing synthetic substances and is co-owner of the Kavasutra in Lake Worth, could be sentenced to 30 years in federal prison. He also contributed to Commissioner Amoroso's campaign 2011 for t-shirts. Value was $441.42. I know of one citizen who warned Amoroso about Harrison saying it would not be wise to accept any contribution from him but Commissioner Amoroso ignored his advice.

Go to Amoroso's Q2 Treasury Report.

Also, several downtown businesses knew of Dylan's exploits and business dealings so it would be unusual if Amoroso did not know as he is a shop owner and was in charge of the Downtown. He is the one to turn to when you need any information as to what's happening in downtown Lake Worth. He is the guy "in the know."

And just to bring it up, as no one made any complaint last year about insufficiently filled out Treasury Reports, the information on these reports needs to be complete along with addresses (no post office boxes) and profession for anyone contributing over $100 in value.

Sometimes, if you follow the money, it makes it easier to understand a candidate.


  1. Great Job,Exposing the money.

  2. He did it. You wrote about it. Bad judgment on Andy's part.

  3. Candidates accept donations all the time. To speculate about what Mr. Amoroso knew or didn't know about this contributor is inappropriate. Ask Mr. Amoroso and then make your judments, but don't make accusations with incomplete informations. Of cource, that is often the case on the blogs so why should this be different.

    Why don't you write about candidates losing their significant other to campaign managers. Now that is a story all would love to hear...

  4. Check with Amoroso? LOL. What was written was checked. There are official documents.

    As far as your last sentence, personal lives are taboo unless, of course, they are breaking a law. This is not the National Enquirer.

  5. Pam Lopez only makes certain people follow the rules.

  6. Is Andy still selling the porn?

  7. Oh the horrors, porn!!!! Since when did lake worth become the new Puritan town. So what if he sells adult magazines, etc.?. It is legal! As far as the kava bar operator he also was running a legal business at the time of said campaign contribution, so now he got busted for doing something illegal, is it "retroactive? Should Andy be responsible for what someone may or may not do in the future? Is the inference that Andy was aware that in the future this guy will do something illegal and therefore do not take a campaign contribution from a legally operating downtown business owner. Quite the stretch. Of course if it's just a game of tit for tat there really can never be any rationale. Each side can continue to pounce without real cause as long as it furthers the agenda. Love this town....OMG Porn!!!!! Run or tar and feather...sounds kinky huh?

  8. Many of the downtown merchants knew what was going on there. People complained for several years. Amoroso was warned. He ignored the advice...his prerogative. Money was more important than common sense?

    On his T-Report he had no address for this guy and put down his profession as "printer." Now what does this suggest?

    Harrison's history goes way back. There was much more going on in that bar than people consuming kava according to the news articles.

    What he should do is make a statement absvolving himself from any knowledge of the activities at that bar and return the money. But to continue on saying "Gee, I didn't know nuttin," just won't cut it.

    P.S. Porn is not something we want in our downtown nor do we wantstores selling addictive substances.

  9. Ahhh the "we" don't want statement. Hmmmmm curious. So what is porn to the "we" gang? Playboy? Playgirl? Cosmo? Where do the "we" peeps draw the line for the rest of the unknowing masses? And while the the seemingly big brother like "we" peeps are deciding for everyone what they want and don't want in OUR downtown and as you say do not want stores selling addictive substances, shall we begin to rid our selves of the most addictive drug, alcohol? Or how about Cigarettes ? Why don't we let the police enforce what's legal and what's not and leave out the ones who believe they speak for everyone else out of what we want and don't want in our downtown. Oh I understand the strong moral compass that some of us posses but sometimes those same people must let go of their desire to look out for the rest of us less moral and maybe not as worthy.....quite a position you have taken on. The power of the Internet.......

  10. are entitled to your opinion for our family friendly downtown. Thanks.

  11. While daytime and early evening should be a time that families enjoy our downtown, it would be a mistake to think that downtown is family friendly after say 9 pm. It is far from it. Nor do I think we should be regulating and attempting to stifle the more adult side that takes place after that. The music scene is great and adults young and old have fun. Are you against that? Shall we regulate our downtown into some family oriented fake city. Not for me or should I say US!

  12. First off, do you really stand behind the opinion that rumor and innuendo and whispered 'warnings' should be the basis for making an informed opinion on a person or establishment? Back when Amoroso accepted the contribution, that's all it was.

    I agree with the poster above - porn is legal. People buy it. You would be amazed at the people you know, who enjoy porn. It is not my thing, but I am not going to stand in judgement of those who like it.
    If you were to find out that one of your friends bought an adult magazine, would you have an entirely different opinion of them?
    The 'adult' section of Amoroso's store is in the very back and a separate room. There is no need to go back there, if you don't want to.
    He has every right to sell it, you have every right to not go there and while you may disagree with people who like adult material, people who smoke cigarettes and people who drink alcohol, this is America. All the above are legal and widely used.
    To try and verbally burn Andy at the stake is your prerogative, but that doesn't make it right.

  13. No, of course not--let's NOT regulate anything. Let the sleaze take over the downtown. What a hoot you are.

  14. "Family friendly town"?
    We'd all like it to be true, but have you looked around?
    What I see more than anything else, is a hard drinking town, full of single people - the majority of people downtown seem to be under 40 and tattooed with body piercings galore. A whole group here has decided that bathing and personal hygiene is a waste of time and water.
    (some whom we have even elected!)
    Group homes, illegal immigrants packed into rental houses...
    In my opinion, Lake Worth has ALL the elements to be a charming and quaint seaside town - but we seem to attract misfits - people who may not be welcome in other places. Sad, but true.

  15. As I stated earlier,if Andy didn't know this guy was a no goodnik, then he should publicly state that fact. Case closed. Don't try and tell me that porn is good as a justification to the happenings in our city after 9pm.

  16. Did not say porn is 'good'. Too much of anything is 'bad'.
    I'm offended by people who choose not to bathe.
    You're offended by people who purchase 'adult' subject matter.
    I know why my pet peeve offends me - they smell really badly in public.
    But how does anyone who buys a greeting card with a naked person in it, offend you?
    As I stated, you do not have to see it in the store, unless you want to. Have you peeked, Lynn? :)

  17. The People Of Lake WorthAugust 16, 2012 at 2:41 PM

    Only ten of you read this blog. Those 10 of you are losers. Dylan is not a convict, and has committed NO crime. He has yet to even be indicted. If you can still go to the local hajji mart and buy SPICE or any other product similar, then all of your nonsense holds no relevance. Dylan has long been a contributor to the local arts and events of the downtown area. HE IS THE DOWNTOWN SCENE. He has been supporting local art, music, and special events that raise money for MANY charities since long before this abortion you call a blog. Commissioner Amoroso will be will hold office for decades. The people of Lake Worth love him, regardless of the opinion of a few sphincters. Long Live Andy, and Ron Paul!!!

  18. LOL--I am sure that there are plenty of criminals (not saying Dylan is of course) that give money to charities and attempt to project the image of being good upstanding citizens to the outside world. This has nothing to do with the fact of the Federal charges against him. A lot of mass murderers go to church regularly as well. Harrison had a distribution center for synthetic marijuana and he could get 30 years for this. So what is your purpose of white-washing it?
