Tuesday, February 14, 2012

There's no Screwing around in Lake Park

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Two weeks ago, Lake Park's city manager resigned under duress. Wednesday their commissioners will decide whether or not to appoint Jamie Titcomb who was fired as city manager from North Palm Beach after 7 months without any reason. Sound familiar?

Jamie retired from the Palm Beach County League of Cities as Executive Director after 13 years and then ended up getting $70,000 severance from North Palm Beach because its council fired him without cause.

The difference in Lake Park and Lake Worth is, they don't waste a lot of time getting things done...no time for sneaky politics I guess. Two weeks and wham--they very well might have a new interim city manager.

Moral of this story--don't ever become a permanent city manager as there is no such thing as "permanent" especially when sleazy politics are involved.


  1. If Lake Worth, had hired Mr. Titcomb, you would have been screaming bloody murder, and smearing his name before the ink was dry on his contract.

  2. LOL. The only people who raise their voices at city hall are those on the evil side. :) Once again though, you totally miss the essence of this blog. Work on it, ok?

  3. the worst person for raising his angry voice at city hall is Perrila. He's always pissed off about something. Most all of the people are respectful who sit up in the front.

  4. Is this like the "lovers" and "haters" classification that Waterman made? What does where one sits in the Commission chamber have to do with anything? Just another way to create the appearance of divisiveness.

  5. Normally, where you sit should have nothing to do with divisiveness but in the case of city commission meetings, many of the outspoken people seem to congregate on the back row. Birds of a feather hang together. So, it has nothing to do with "creating" the appearance of angry people--the fact is these people are there, clapping with their hands cuffed so as to make obnoxiously loud sounds, loud constant chatter heard all the way in the front of the chamber and just generally rude when they don't like what someone has to say. True ANARCHISTS actually. :)
