Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Beach redevelopment - Cut the Crap

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When we talk about the beach redevelopment project, we are talking about everything but the Casino building.

There is a meeting at City Hall this Friday, February 17 at 9am to discuss the beach redevelopment and what the commissioners deem important to keep in the contract as the contractors, as they usually do, have found things to be more costly than anticipated as well as other aspects they deem important to repair or include such as the seawall.

Utility infrastructure costs were never anticipated to be over and above the county bond money of $5 million. In fact, there was nothing considered that would be over and above this budgeted amount--until now--when the contractors and their subs have come up with millions in other costs that they want the city to consider.

Personally, when this all first came up, I would have said, "Cut the crap" and let's work within the $5 million dollars. If you can't spruce up our beach for $5 million dollars than heaven help us folks.


The funding for the GMP consists of
County Grant $4,498,600 ($5,000,000 – 501,400 KHA fee)
Decal parking 80,000 (budgeted in FY10)

Water Main $394,000 (Utility funding proposed amendment FY12 budget)
Sanitary Sewer $374,750 (Budgeted in FY10)
Stormwater $276,634 (Utility funding proposed amendment FY12 budget)
Lighting $800,000

Subtotal $ 6,423,984 (rounded to $6,424,000)

Everyone turn out for this meeting and voice your concerns.


  1. All we need is some new plush foliage, palm trees, pavers on the walkways, repave the existing parking lots and restripe to give it all a fresh and new appearance. Plant palm trees down the middle of the upper level parking lot. Allow residents with decals to park any where they want. Tell the county by by.

  2. Repair the seawall and cut the crap.

  3. Present Commission does not have to approve anything Singer Co.with Change orders(READ doctored increase cost of cheap parts of jobs) are trying to hustle in,
    nor anything Kimley Horn ,which illegally hired OUR Beachfront site rehab contractors,charging what ever Kimley Horn wants.Contracting for our JOB is not their right,as they do not own the Beach and the County Money is given to us, Lake Worth, not Kimley Horn or Singer.
    The entire Contracts with Singer(of $3000,00 concrete prison benches,(Art Nouveau ones available for $198,- at Home Depot)
    and prison wire for our Elegant Palm Beach island Boardwalk enclosure(Hitler used it for his concentration camps effectively!!Is Singer forcing us to swallow this gettho Hitler style enclosure of elegant Palm Beach Island Oceanfrontage? )

    and Kimley Horn were executed
    in violation of our City Charter.According to that Charter,the City is the only authority to put such job out for mandated public bidding. It requires three Bona Fide responses within the City's reuqirements.This Charter procedure was not followed.A private agreement between Hit-and-Run Mayoral Seat occupant Rene Varela,with ignorant of our Charter, anarchist Cara Jennings,
    forced the Citizens to hire those,snake oil salesmen
    (how did Sherdy get part of that job?without public bidding???(Illegal people!!!
    Can be terminated!!)Did John Romano pay him for his stillborn concrrte box on 1005 Lake Avenue, are we paying for it with the ugly concrete box next to our Mediterranean style Citizen Majority wanted, elegant Casino???), hustler,interlopers,con artists, unwanted concrete box,,violating our Charter,forced on us Citizens and give Singer and Kimley Horn,
    our County $5,000,000,-limit job, making this a job with no limit????Singer is Boss of Lake Worth Commissions? Are they all taken for stupid?
    How will City Leaders, elected for enforcing the Charter, close down the dishinest, Sherdy contract job of our Beach ???Are they capable?

    Will the present Commission show leadership and terminate this illegally forced Sherdy Contract,without public bidding,and knowledge, (Scott Maxwell show your positions power,now needed,please, now it is necessary!) and follow the Charter and put this Municipal job out for bid!!!!!!
    Are we paying for John Romano's stillborn on 1005 Lake Ave, unwanted ugly,concrete box from his Contractor Sherdy???
    Speak up Commission, act according to our Charter, not on the sneak!!!!
    A sleazy group of Commissioners voted with Varela against our Charter, among them Anarchist Cara Jennings, who does not want any revenue generating projects on our billion dollar valued Palm Beach Island Beachfront. Lake Worth must be a town for wellfare parasites, illegal alien bloodsuckers,thieves and burglars and their buddies! Anarchists, move to another Country today!

    All Municipal contract jobs,require at least 3 Bona Fide responses,according to the conditions of OUR CITY RFP,not Kimley Horns', of Contractors, who can work within that budget?.
    The COmmission can stop John Romano's failed contractor,Sherdy,of Dead Designs?(see 1005 Lake Avenue) who wants to force us to pay for another ugly unwanted stillborn box,cheapsest construction, job ,not put out for bid!It violates our Charter Commission, show that you are leaders for the taxpayers, who pay your salaries!!!!!
    Dee McNamara, Citizens' Interest and Truth Advocate!

  4. It is John Szerdi of Living Designs Group now running for Commissioner District 4. That was a misspelling above by Mrs. McNamara.

  5. Kimley, horn & Associates, an engineering firm, was retained for the planning of our PBC Grant expenditures as engineering companies are used in parking lots and common areas. REG is the architect of record on the Casino building.
    John Szerdi, given his LEED expertise, was retained by both K-H & REG to assist them on Green aspects of both projects. It seems that Green Items have been largely excluded from both projects for cost cutting considerations.
