Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Roy Beck on yesterday's Election and Illegal Immigration

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NEWS FLASH -- Offered a stark choice on the illegal immigration issue, Florida Latino Republicans today broke nearly 2-1 for the candidate with the firmest opposition to amnesty and the strongest support for enforcement.

Mitt Romney's margin of victory among Latinos was nearly double his margin of victory among Whites.

For those of you who supported other candidates, you have to at least feel some real satisfaction that on the issue of immigration, Mitt Romney the winner was painted as by-far the strongest opponent of amnesty. You may have preferred another candidate -- including the President -- for other reasons, but most Florida voters went to the polls with the idea that Romney was indeed the toughest on immigration.

Pro-self-deportation Romney won the overall vote by 46% to 32%.

But pro-self-deportaton Romney won the Latino vote by 54% to 29%.

It was a strong rebuke of the majority of media commentators who insist that Latino-Americans can only be won by promising rewards for lawbreaking. It added a sign of much greater dignity in the rule of law for the Latino population than most in the media are willing to give it.

Nobody can say that Floridians -- both Latino and non-Latino -- weren't provided a clear choice on the immigration issue. Immigration may not have been a top issue for most of the voters but it was one of the most publicized parts of the debates and contest.
  • Newt Gingrich campaigned hard among Latino voters with his continuing call for legalization and work permits for many illegal aliens and his pounding criticism of his opponent as "anti-immigrant" for opposing legalization.

  • Mitt Romney in two debates continued his campaign-long opposition to long-term work permits and legalization of illegal aliens and created a national media sensation by talking about "self-deportation" as the top goal for the illegal population.

Whites -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 13 percentage points

Latinos -- Anti-legalization Romney won by 25 percentage points

The results don't prove that Romney's anti-amnesty stance helped him with Latinos. But the results DO prove that a candidate can stand for the rule of law and for preferring unemployed American workers over illegal aliens and still win Latino support.

And that is a wonderful victory of the image of Latino-Americans and for all of us in our battle to say that unemployed Americans should have priority over illegal aliens for U.S. jobs.

Tonight's victor, Romney, put the issue in exactly those terms in the Jacksonville debate last Thursday night. Romney said: "You know, our problem is not 11 million grandmothers. Our problem is (APPLAUSE) . . . Our problem is 11 million people getting jobs that many Americans (and) legal immigrants would like to have."

Although that got one of the most enthusiastic rounds of applause of the debate, nearly all of the news media refused to offer that quote to the public. I believe that is because most reporters and editors in the news media refuse to believe it is possible that Americans and legal immigrants already here would take the onstruction, service and manufacturing jobs currently held by illegal aliens.


You'll never believe how exit pollsters asked their immigration question.

Read about it here:

For the most part, most in the news media still refuse to treat our solution of attrition through enforcement (self-deportation) as an option at all.

The obstinancy of the news media to include this option in opinion polls over the last decade has seriously distorted the public's understanding of the options available to it on illegal immigration.

And it reminds us of just how incredibly important it is that candidates Romney and Santorum are using their national soapboxes to fight for the concept.

-- ROY


  1. it is not a surprise if romney allows for amnesty, he will just be another regan anyway, regan did that too and it only promoted more to come and now we have a projected 20 million illegals or more in the usa all hoping for some type of amnesty. romney even hires illegals to work for him it has been in the news. republicans are for capitalism and look what they have done over the years, sent all big business to open overseas to avoid paying taxes or decent salaries to employees here in the usa. romney owns islands in the carribean, he is a very wealthy man with a lot of power, he might look like he is in it for the common man, but he will allow for amnesty helping the illegals and the middle class will only shrink more and more.

  2. Romeny is in bed with big business and banks and will do whatever they want over the common US citizens.

  3. Why is it that we can't find a candidate (non-naturalized) citizen who will support the US as it was intended to be. All we get are career politicians. What we need are statesman, those that will go to Washington, do the right thing and then return home.

  4. Where is John Doerr's credibility when he told a generation of MBA students he did the right thing by firing Steve Jobs? John Doerr should ask Kit Wong why Chinese engineers only sought venture capital when they were out of work and Wong told them to start restaurants to learn entrepreneurship as they rejected Wong when they had safe jobs. Foreign students can be bright, but faculty exaggerate their brilliance because foreign students are servile in doing work and favors for faculty and not demanding that professors actually earn their tuition keep. Moreover, faculty like that foreign students are either afraid, complicit or morally ambivalent about the immoral grant guzzling behavior of professors. In many cases they are more likely to share the professors' anti-Americanism than American students. Meanwhile perfectly good American engineers have to get jobs at Home Depot. And Google cancels my account for saying these things but dares to complain about censorship. Why should the liberal media get SOPA protection?
