Tuesday, January 31, 2012

GOP Primary in Lake Worth

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That's what it looked like today at St. Andrew's Church polling place...signs but no people, a typical look at all of our precincts. I was surprised to hear that at 8:30, 17 people had voted at the Finnish Church and we had the same number at The Lutheran Church at 11:30.

Why would we expect anything different in Lake Worth, a city filled with Democrats, social progressives, a few anarchists sprinkled here and there and Libertarian socialists who promote a non-hierarchical, non-bureaucratic, stateless society.

Poll worker at The Lake Worth Towers


  1. You forgot to say, who love to smoke marijuana and have a drink at the Kava bar.

  2. With the candidates offered, Im not surprised. The biggest winner thus far is President Obama.

  3. Most republicans are rich and prey on the rest of us, so don't expect many Republicans here in Lake Worth, we just don't have them, but they are the ones actually that have allowed all these illegals in this country, they like using cheap labor and abusing them. It is ironic, but the Republican party is out of touch with the common man, look at the four candidates in the primary, all out of touch, that is why Obama will likely win again. Blame the republicans for the conditions of this city, it is a dump all due to them, the majority of them in PBC live in Wellington, Jupiter and PBG, and Boca, not in Lake Worth. We are better off without many republicans anyway here.

  4. Steve's comments: "We are better off without many Republicans anyway here."

    Steve's must be smoking large quantities of what Rep. Clemens is selling because his comments portray a man without a sense of realism. Its not that Republicans are much better, but they do believe in a work ethic.

    Look no farther than NY, California, Detroit or DC to understand the third world nature of true progressiveness.......each is eerily similar to LW as all are becoming third world countries in the hands of the true progressives.

    The heartwarming YouTube video below dramatically illustrates the power of Democratic leadership over the decades. If further evidence is required then look to Socialist Europe to provide the validation.


  5. Anony above: What about the state of Florida? It's starting to look like a third world country and has been Republican controlled since 1992. Clearly our entire country is starting to look like **** when we have roads falling apart and empty houses? mhhmm I wonder why? Maybe because of the deregulation of the housing industry/stock market that led to the crash in 2008. Maybe because Republicans do not want to invest in infrastructure. Maybe because the only thing your party cares about is corporations.

  6. Steve's Democratic gene pool has just about been run dry as can be attested to by the following:


  7. As one of the "few" Republicans in Lake Worth,I'm not really worried about low turn out in a primary election. Most Republicans ,conservative Democrats,Independants,Libitarians ,and people just disgusted with our growing debt don't care who the Republican candidate is.Anybody but Obama is going to be the next president of the United states.
