Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Married adults shuffleboarding

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A sport for all ages!
No nice southern bell broad brim flowered hat here


  1. Where does one purchase the equipment to play this sport?

    A sporting equipment store. Sports Authority.

  3. wherever one purchases badminton or bowling supplies probably. Or commodes that sit next to your bed. Those founding fathers were quite the athletes, eh?
    Look, there's only so much room at the community center. Why would we use it all up with shuffleboard courts so that a very small group of people who live somewhere else can use it twice per year?? Why do we have to decide how someone will use a public park space? I want green space to enjoy, not concrete. Look what they did to Sunset Ridge Park. It's horrible. It looks like a prison, not a park. It used to be beautiful and open for all to enjoy.
    This has the potential to be something we've never had in this area of the city: nice green space for everyone, especially those who live nearby north and south of the property. Two thumbs down to concrete. If shuffleboard is so great, it will be even better at the golf course or Bryant Park. Put it there.

  4. Ok--so you just tried to ridicule our founding fathers all in the name of "green." Go out and buy a bush. We put a park there and it will be trashed just like it was when the Mentoring Center was there. Who are you kidding? You are not looking to what might bring money in to the city but rather you want some little bushes and park benches so people can waste away in Lake Worthville. What an inspiration. Thanks.

  5. Let's put it in your backyard anony.

  6. Lynn,thanks for the info. I didnt know Sports Authority was still in business. LW use to have Sports Haven and Olympia Sports Shop. Gone now. I think Sports Aut. originally opened a store in the Palm Beach Mall. Keep practicing, you`ll need to be at your best to beat the Old Puck Pushers Club of Kalamazoo.

  7. I personal support keeping and revamping the shuffle board courts! Its a great asset to this city and the very notion that NA's are already making comments about NA Challenges shows that this is a VERY EXCITING venue!

    Lets Keep them lets make is work and lets make this the Putt Putt Golf of Lake Worth!

    Yea, I'm a little excited about the shuffle board courts...Just for emphasize here are a few more !!!!!!!!!!!

    Peace and Love
    Robert Waples

  8. Lynn, do the math. The electric service will have to be put back in at the courts, Stanton had it removed. And the courts all have to be resurfaced and repaired. And then there is the cost of maintenance.

  9. Refurbishing to the best surface will MEAN ZERO maintenance--WILL not be over $25,000. We have a $62,000 Grant. So, the math is there.

  10. Wait a second... I am a nice southern bell with a broad brim flowered hat and I will be using the shuffle board court!

  11. I don't know anyone below 60 that plays shuffleboard, but I'm all for keeping the courts or part of the courts. Why not add in some other complimentary uses that other residents can take advantage of if they don't play shuffleboard.

    How about Bocce ball, horse shoes, croquet, putting green or similar activities. Why not revamp the courts to attract younger folks but also keep some courts for history sake and for the shuffleboard crew.

  12. We have horseshoe courts at Bryant Park. Bocce would be very appropriate near those courts. That park has the room. If it has the room for a religious symbol such as a labyrinth, then it has room for all the things that you mention.

  13. 8:42 I bet you know people chanting around a labyrinth though.

  14. I have heard that the estimate for the electric is around $125,000 so there goes your math

  15. Those two are suppossed to be married?!? Miss pink better stop living in denial and Mr. blue had better get out of the closet!!!!
