Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Community Relations Board is on Crack

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Crack Investigative team, that is--

Click graphic to enlarge
By: Mystery Lake Worth Graphic Artist
The Kang-A-Roo Court

An unfair, biased, or hasty judicial proceeding that ends in a harsh punishment; an unauthorized trial conducted by individuals who have taken the law into their own hands, such as those put on by vigilantes or prison inmates; a proceeding and its leaders who are considered sham, corrupt, and without regard for the law.

Always looking for stronger community relations, this Board relieved its Chair of his authority for reasons unbefitting a leader they say (pushing his personal agenda and getting arrested). They then asked that citizens volunteer for the Kang-A-Roo Court to come up with some improper instances attributed to the former chair, Panagioti Tsolkos, in order to support its anarchist insurrection by kicking him off as leader. Four concerned citizens, some of whom obsessed with anarchy in Lake Worth, raised their hands.

The question is whether the fox is watching over the hen house. Does this crack volunteer investigative board have no chickens in its own roost? Are they all lily white? Can anyone say they are qualified to throw stones or even should they be allowed to do so? At what point should rights of people be trampled upon? Ever?

It is the right of the accused to be tried by a legally constituted court, not by a kangaroo court" (Williams v. United States, 341 U.S. 97, 71 S. Ct. 576, 95 L. Ed. 774 [1951]). In the U.S., you are innocent and someone has to prove that you are guilty. That's what this kang-a-roo court will attempt to do...come up with proof--after the fact. That is just as bad as hanging the guy before evidence is presented and proved. Every accused has the right of due process BEFORE he is executed or thrown to the curb. In this case, our laws and common decency were violated by this Board in its unorthodox act of asking for and accepting volunteers to investigate its Chair.

Tonight they will tell you that they can legally form a sub-committee and do what they are doing.
Whether you like what Panagioti stands for or not, his rights were violated.

This Board, consumed with SSS (sanctimonious, superior virtue and self- righteous pious), meets tonight at City Hall at 6pm so that they now can work on identification cards for illegals. Even the illegal alien is treated with more respect than was Tsolkos, a citizen.

The "special investigative" committee will also come up with its support documents to justify the action taken against Tsolkos. Democracy in action-- so much for community bridge building, getting along with your fellow neighbor and good will. This Board is looking for projects to work on. It can start with the basics in its mission statement: promote amicable relations.


  1. Maybe Peter can hire an attorney to get his job back. He can use your blog as evidence.

  2. Peter is smart. He will figure it all out.

  3. This blog could be reporting on more important items than stirring up emotion about the CRB getting Tsolkas put off the Chair position in my opinion.
    I do not believe he represents the majority of people in LW, as he is a declared anarchist, which you now seem to defend. He is also a radical with an agenda that encompasses eradicating the police force, opening the borders, having all undocumented aliens granted asylum, just to name a few.
    While I agree with you, of course anyone has the right to hail anarchy, I do not believe they should dominate any Board, nor be elected to a City position.
    I for one, breathe a lot easier now that the vocal anarchist movement is not in charge any longer.

    I no longer am considering a move out of LW - and have very high hopes that we will now thrive, without hours spent on: whether to allow chickens in our backyards, to designate the POCommerce as agricultural, mentoring centers for undocumented aliens, etc.

    Peter Tsolkas to me, is not what LW is all about - his agenda is well researched, his methods are questionable and he does not represent my feelings about this town whatsoever.

  4. I think that this board should investigate you anony at 2:37. How would you feel about that? Let's get citizens investigate other citizens? Sounds like a bunch of Nazis. You can sleep better at night? Check yourself into a hospital immediately if you are counting chickens. :) If he spouted all of this SHIT while being Chair of the CRB, then we will learn of it tonight. Remember, he is ONE DAMN VOTE up there. Is everyone on that board easily persuaded? I think not.

    This is about civil rights-- not that he is an anarchist, a really stupid thing to be if you think about it. This crack team is an amazing attribute to LW.

  5. Let's get beyond the label"anarchist" and start thinking about what the chair actually did- or did not do. Let the board do an investigation with impartial members and look at facts.

  6. Thanks to the graphic artist for exposing this witch hunt against the board chair.

  7. Did anyone investigate the past chair Mr. M.P. to see if he has an arrest record? Would be interesting :-)

  8. Why are we investigating the current chair, Mr. Tsolkas? We should have investigated the past chair, M.P. Has M.P. never been arrested?

  9. Paging Mark Anthony Parilla to the white Courtesy Phone!

    I have to say that Mark had more of a personal agenda than the current chair. The meetings when he was Chair were intolerable as he tried to run the show.

    He may say he resigned, but those who were there know he was forced off the CRB due to his overbearing nature.

  10. It all depends on whatever your vision of LW is - he stepped down gracefully - he said that he is used to this - and that anarchy views often go in this pattern:
    You present your agenda strongly - they "kick you out" - and then they begin to explore your ideas.
    Mission accomplished as far as Peter is concerned.
    I promise you he was shocked to be named Chair.
    His ambitions were thwarted by the 2nd meeting -
    He expected it and was not bummed or shocked in any way.
    That this blog is sticking up for his rights, is too too funny.

  11. Why would you think that is funny anonymous?

  12. If they say that MP stepped down gracefully, that is funny! Now he tries to run the CRB meetings from the back of the room.

  13. Great work by the graphic artist! Those who defend the kangaroo court have nothing to back up their charges against the current chair. Instead they talk about anarchy, radicals and chickens!!! I wonder if past chair M.P. has a clean record.

  14. To all posters above-wether or not you love or hate a board member is irrelevant. There are very strict reasons why or why not someone can be dismissed from a board. This is not a grey area.The people in this town who profess hatred of anarchists seem to be the biggest anarchists of all. Public opinion run amok and decisions not backed by the law end up biting everyone in the ass.Shame on you people. Behave or I may have to come down to city hall and whack some common sense into all of you.The Chairman

  15. Hopefully, and I do pray, this will all be a mute point after February 8, 2012. As for the Lake Worth Secret Artist I know very well why he remains secret. If I proclaimed to be a graphic artist but reduced myself to badly "photo-chopped" pictures lacking evidence of real graphic artist talent, I mean look where it's getting posted, I would definitely want to remain secret as well. Also if I posted the insipid foolish comments above I would sign anonymous as well. What a bunch of cowards no one approaches me and expresses how they feel to my face what are you afraid of? Actually having the testicular or ovarian fortitude to stand behind your words and own them??? Yep! God bless you all. LOL!

    Mark A. Parrilla

    P.S. one word...CHARMIN!

  16. You do mean March 8, not February I guess. Will that finally make you happy?

  17. I am happy by choice not by consequence of events. What I choose to do on a daily basis makes me happy, plain and simple. The dissolution of any advisory board has no bearing either way. I will however support the affirmative decision from any commissioner who takes action to put this board to rest. I am glad that you are so astute to realize it was March 8. Wow what an eagle eye! Did you spell anonymous correctly?

    Mark A. Parrilla

  18. Mark--I agree about putting this Board to rest. After last night, it was more than clear to sunset the CRB.
