Monday, February 20, 2012

Lake Worth High School Band

Message from Lake Worth High School Alumnus, Doris Dorsey--

An outstanding performance "OUR STARS SHINE BRIGHT" this past Saturday night at the Thomas Hansen Hall on campus at LWHS...What a Great Job... I cannot even describe how great it was and a wonderful surprise. They even played our Fight Song, "Onward Onward Trojans."

Band Director, Daniel Harvey was in great form as Band Director and also in the symphonic band as one of the French Horn Players..even getting a standing ovation

I wish everyone could have been there to hear and see the band as Mr Harvey has only been at LWCHS for one and a half years, starting with 14 people in the band and now under his direction he now has 140 band members. Congratulations Mr. Harvey, you are to be commended.

The Band is in need of band uniforms, new instruments and are heading for State competition so please remember the LWHS TROJAN SOUND and if you wish to donate to a great cause...send your check to LWCHS, c/o Band Director, Daniel Harvey, 1701 Lake Worth Road, Lake Worth, Florida...

Dee McNamara is collecting all those musical instruments that you have packed away and are no longer using. Her drive will be announced soon but in the meantime, you can contact her at 561-547-3996 if you have an instrument to donate.

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