Monday, February 20, 2012

Cara Jennings Plans demonstration against Allen West

Comment Up
Michael & Fiona Scharf
Time: 6:15 pm
Date: Tuesday Feb. 21
Location: 225 Dunbar Road Palm Beach 33480

Please let me know if you will be able to join us as we greet Allen West outside of the home of one of his investment banker cronies. He will be having a $2500 a plate fundraiser. We will be there with our big check and a personal message "While Allen West dines with the 1% his constituents are denied meetings with him, struggling under unemployment and reduced services."

If you have an hour tomorrow night come out and join us. Please be on time as we anticipate a short welcome.


Allen West has been a Congressman for a little over one year now. Let's hear what he has done that you don't like Cara.

Was it his vote NO on the payroll tax? The facts are simple. This supposed payroll tax decrease is really a backdoor tax increase on homeowners and first time homebuyers. The deal is being paid for by added fees on FHA- backed loans. Homeowners with FHA- backed mortgages represent more than one-third of mortgages in the United States. Those Middle Class Americans will be footing the bill for this political gimmick.

Was it Obama's budget? What's even more reprehensible is the President offered his budget asking for another $3.8 trillion dollars from hardworking taxpayers, and from our children and grandchildren who have yet to be born. This budget proves the President continues to focus on growing government and spending more of our money.

These are the inescapable facts: 13 million Americans are unemployed --up 1.1 million since Obama's inauguration; gas prices are averaging close to $4 per gallon in some places, having more than doubled in three years; the average American has close to $50, 000 in personal debt, up more than $13,000 since 2009; the national debt is at $15.2 trillion, up 43 percent since 2009; more than 46 million people are on food stamps, up 45 percent since 2009; and home values are down 13 percent.

IS THAT WHAT'S TROUBLING YOU CARA? Envy is a deadly sin.

Why not go to Washington and protest Obama? I doubt that Palm Beach will allow any demonstration in front of a private residence on the Island of Palm Beach. This house is worth over $6 million, down $4 million from when he bought it, and the owner pays nearly $115,000 in ad valorem taxes.

Why not protest all these people living off welfare and crossing our border illegally rather than someone who has made it and who is living within the laws of this country?


  1. Cara knows exactly what she's doing and manipulates well. Palm Beach will get her some press and that's all they want. So it's a win-win for them.
    Her anarchist agenda may not be present in all her efforts, but I assure you, it's there.

  2. This is a great example of meaningless and misplaced efforts. The goal is not even meaningful change, its to feel somehow 'energized' by getting arrested, ideally in front of cameras. And so she will scream as she's cuffed, with vindication on her face like its a victory, and the dinner will proceed, funds will be raised for a great cause. Sometimes this '1%' ranting sounds like the french revolution or something and i hear 'death to the aristocracy' underneath the rhetoric.

  3. There's no proof that Cara or Pantioti has an anarchist agenda. That's just paranoia of all you 1%-ers, right?

  4. I think Cara has a valid point. Why should any of us have WORK (arrh, just the thought of it makes me tired) or PAY TAXES (jeez, paying taxes are for working stiffs). Why not just have the 1% support the other 99%, that seems fair and utopian. The rest of us can just lie around waiting for our gov't checks to roll in on the 5th of each month. Oh ya, and have lots of babies to be sure the 99% proliferates. Those jerks who worked their wholes lives, made money, sacrified their personal desires, and succeeded financially (how dare they do such a thing), should be crucified and taxed at a rate of at least 99% - after all, there are 99% of us who need a handout.

    Cara, thanks for standing up for the cause. 99% of us appreciate it.

  5. To the post at 10:20 -
    Just ask them, and they will gladly tell you they are anarchists. What more do you need than that?

  6. Did they get the press they wanted???
    Any update on what occurred ?
