Friday, February 17, 2012

A Labyrinth Proposed for Bryant Park

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This is on Tuesday, February 21 Consent Agenda--a labyrinth to be erected at Bryant Park at no cost to us. Because it is "no cost" we are supposed to be thrilled and just agree to it with NO discussion. I don't really know who proposed this "gift" but it was put on the agenda by Jamie Brown, interim Public Services Director (Joe Kroll's old job). Can anyone from the public ask to have something be placed on the agenda?

TOFA LLC (Token OF Appreciation) has committed to what they say is creating something of value for the community. As part of the Legacy Project, they are proposing to donate a 25’ diameter brick paver labyrinth to be installed in a public park for the publics' benefit.

These labyrinths are typically used for meditation purposes, but this will also serve as another addition to the what they say is "continued beautification of Bryant Park."

Personally, I don't believe that a 25 foot square paved over portion of our major city park is 1) beautiful and 2) serving any purpose for the benefit of anyone other than a few who believe it is art or those wanting to chant, meditate or for those who believe that labyrinths are traps for malevolent spirits or a hard path to God.

Can't someone just meditate at home?

Can we just please keep our park a park.


  1. And where is this lovely brick beauty planned to go? Which part of the park? Don't we have enough folks in the city going in circles?

  2. Above poster, you will get old and senile one day. Us old dudes need a place to walk in circles so we dont get lost.

  3. There is a labyrinth at the First Baptist Church on S M St.
    There is enough paving in our public park.

  4. To Richard, you do not have to be old to need a place to walk around in circles, just watch the patrons of the Kava Bar after they have had a few, they are walking around in circles without being old.

  5. Not in Bryant Park, thanks.

  6. TP, I would rather have them in Bryant Park, then disturbing the patrons of the downtown area.

  7. This is unacceptable. Not too long ago there were over 40 residents at the city commission meeting where all but two spoke in favor of a dog park in bryant park. Suddenly because it's a gift staff places it on the agenda for commission approval without any attempt at seeking public input from the people who have the park as their backyard and for those of us who go to this park daily. This is not a good idea at all and I will be requesting it be pulled off consent and on to new business. The more residents that email this request the better chance it has of not being pushed through and approved without public comment.

  8. yes for dog park, no for paving.

    with all the money people spend on their pets, I think LW should position itself as a dog friendly destination. the bars downtown are already dog friendly, we have paws on the ave. now we need some space for dogs to run, it would be great if we could have some space at the beach. as it is we go up to Jupiter to let our dog swim and when we are up there we stop and spend money. a great dog park in BP would similarly draw people to downtown.

  9. Living on So. Palmway, I see the problems with dogs on daily, I can just imagine the problems that would occur at the beach. Maybe the above poster would like to be the first member of the puppy pop posse.
