Friday, February 17, 2012

City Manager Short List in Texas

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League City in Galveston County Texas has narrowed its search down to 8 candidates but one of them will not be Susan Stanton. If you read between the lines, she was culled simply because she is transgendered.

“Based on the résumés, there is only one that I’m completely comfortable with excluding and that is Stanton, who is also known as Steven B. Stanton and currently known as Susan A. Stanton,” Becker said.

Another Councilman, Mick Phalen, said he was willing to throw Stanton out of the running along with applicants Larry Deetjen, Tom Steele, Isaac Turner and Melissa Byrne Vossmer. Those he was willing to discard either changed jobs too frequently or didn’t have the right background, Phalen said.


  1. Is Becker's first name Scott Maxwell?

  2. Do you think that Stanton being fired from her last two jobs, might have raised some red flags???

  3. NO.
    It did, however, raise a lot of red flags with folks regarding this commission.

  4. In Your Opinion...


    Lake Worth Taxpayer

  5. And this is an Opinion blog. But you knew that Lake Worth TaxPayer. If you can't read and interpret what happened in Galveston, then there is no hope for LW and its petty politics.

  6. Stanton was a long time city manager in largo until she transgendered. It was then that she was fired. Maxwell never could deal with that when she was hired here and he lead her firing and bad-mouthed her for several years. These 2 firings were not because she was not effective in her job, Lake or Lake Worth.

  7. I don't know any men who deal with this transgender stuff very well. It would be great if everyone could be open minded but that is not a reality unfortunately.
