Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Will She? Or will she Not?

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UPDATE: 9:10pm
Commission votes down enacting a fire assessment on a 3/2 vote.

Vote for a special fire assessment tonight


  1. My prediction:
    She will go down fighting and vote "no." She will then have the majority of the commission to take the heat as they will vote for it at a reduced rate. It will be implemented in 2012. My best guess.

  2. What else can she do? She would be labeled as a phony if she did it differently. The other thing is, it will be easier for them to accept the same reasons to have a fire assessment from Carr than hearing the same thing from Stanton.

  3. Does hearing it from Carr make it any more legal?

    It is NOT for fire service.... it is for pensions.

  4. Mayor Triolo has been very clear that she does not want this assessment. It will be a huge betrayal to her supporters if she votes for it.

  5. Thank you Mayor Triolo,Commissioner Maxwell and Commissioner Amaroso. What were you thinking Commissioners Mulvehill and Mcvoy?!?

  6. Ha!, 8:01 is funny they used thinking, Mulvehill and Mcoy in the same sentence.
