Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lake Worth Income

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In 2010, American median household income was only 0.75% higher than what it was in 1989. This corresponds to a 0.04% annual increase over a 21-year period. In the mean time, GDP per capita has increased by 32.5% or 1.35% annually.

While looking over the back-up for the City Manager recruitment it has Lake Worth's demographics. It says that in 2011, our per capita income was $17,527. Lake Worth is ranked 604 out of 887 Florida cities on per capita income. It states that our per capita income is $15, 517.

Commissioners, please bear this in mind tonight when you talk about special assessing the residents of this city for fire pensions and street lights. The majority of the people you want to assess don't have 1) a pension other than what they save and 2) do not have the income to support any more taxes.

1 comment:

  1. I hope they also remember that when they look at pay for our top employee(s) at around $130K-$150K (base)

