Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Visionaries" Rule the Roost

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Even if the Vice Mayor does appear to be sleeping on the job

With 65 resumes received for Interim City Manager, we still don't have a cut-off date until February 17. The job originally was separate from the Permanent City Manager position thus the separate advertising in order to be legally correct. However, the Interim City Manager position and the Permanent City Manager job has "morphed" into one, per Kurt Bressner. "When we have an Interim city manager in place, he/she can apply for the permanent position," said Mr. Bressner when I stopped him in the hallway.

This is all such a waste of time as Kathleen Margoles should have been appointed as Interim and the City should have immediately gone out for a Permanent City Manager. Now it will be months of delay with June as the estimated time for a new city manager to be hired and five more arduous months for Steve Carr to play the duel role of Acting City Manager and Director of Finance.

Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell, insisted that an ASPA designation be of importance and part of the desirable requirement for a city manager even though Range Rider, Kurt Bressner, said that it should not be part of the equation, that it was academia based and no where close to the stature of the ICMA certification...not important. has nothing to do with what is important for the job of city manager.

Commissioner Mulvehill strongly requested that the new city manager have city manager experience. This should be a "given" as far as I am concerned. This was "dumbed down" by Maxwell (my favorite word now that someone in the public accused me of this recently on a blog post when the commission rated the requirements for city manager). As Joe Kroll, former Public Works Director has applied for the job, has an ASPA designation with no city manager experience, it is not difficult to see where Maxwell is heading. Kroll is the darling of the politicos in Lake Worth. Kroll always was there to do as they requested and now I have been told that he is blaming all of his screw-ups in his former departments on Susan Stanton.

It wasn't a three strikes and you're out sort of night. At 9:00pm, a motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Amoroso to vote down the fire assessment. McVoy and Mulvehill dissented. Taxing is never a solution and is the easy way out. Reducing costs is the best solution.

Fiesty little ole lady
The Mayor stayed true to her campaign promise. Mulvehill and McVoy did not change their course in spite of nearly every resident and business opposed to this fire assessment other than one little lady on S. Palmway who agreed with Commissioner McVoy to tax us and one vocal man, who was not present last night, who lives on North O street. As I got up to the lectern to speak, the little lady declared for all those in the Chamber to hear, "She doesn't pay any taxes." (To clarify, she meant property tax advalorem going south due to the recession and commissions still ga-ga in attracting low-cost housing). After I sat down I told her not to be personal. She then turned around and said, "Go to hell." She ran for office in 2009 and got slaughtered. Sometimes the people actually get a lucky break and get it right.

City departments reduced their budget and came up with the money needed to repeal the fire assessment. New resolutions will be brought back to the Commission.

I would wager to say that neither McVoy nor Mulvehill will be running for office again as neither one took the popular vote. It was the Trio that asked for a solution and the city departments cooperated. One up for the Visionaries.

Prior to this vote, Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso have voted strangely and politically by 1) firing the city manager without cause and 2) screwing up the beach leases, driving off Barry's Tees, a tenant for 26 years, and changing the beach operating times to suit a bar. Of course, it all isn't over. The beach leases come back up on January 31. That could be the third strike as we watch their manipulation as to whom goes into the anchor spaces.


  1. Somebody should have thrown a water balloon to wake his disrespectful butt up.I bet he is dreaming. I`m King,I`m taking a nap because the subject doesnt interest.

  2. Appears to be sleeping. He is sleeping. It appears he has no interest in what is being said.
    Fire him. When somebody is talking before the commission he better listen up and pay attention. Thats part of his job. Show a little respect. I hope this picture is printed with a comment about it in the Post Times. The public needs to be informed about such a caring and interested person he isnt.

  3. INSOLENCE. Very disrespectful to McVoy. We demand better from our elected officials.

  4. If the Post publishes this picture, then they should also print the pictures of former CM Stanton with her head down on the dais or leaning back with her eyes shut that various individuals have taken. Maybe they could publish the picture of Mulvehill exiting the room and slamming doors when a vote didn't go her way. Just saying... fair is fair.

  5. I was out of town last night & wasn't able to be there to see another campaign promise fullfiled. The majority of the commission does listen. Everyone in America is over taxed. The fire & street lighting assessment was an un-fair tax, with the bulk of the desired $$$ being assessed on LW businesses. From looking at the above picture it looks like Comissioner McVoy was nodding off in his hand. It's tough being a public person with so many cameras out there to capture these little moments in time.

  6. Actually, we were having a lot of fun with it. Maxwell was saying in his body language, without speaking, what we all were the vote. Scott took it well.

  7. Gee Lynn, you forgot to state that you called the Lady from So. Palmway a bitch..

    The Gentleman sitting Behind You.

  8. Now look, you don't really think I am going to be a doormat to Loretta Sharpe do you? She started it. I ended it. Match over. Too bad it is against the law to deck someone.

  9. Dear Anon @ 1:11 pm
    Two or three observations of bad behavior do not equal good behavior. Respect the city, the residents, fellow commissioners and yourselves!

  10. Perhaps Commissioner Maxwell succumbed to his few brief moments of 'being happy' - he actually smiled and made a pleasing comment. This is so rare and the expenditure of joyful energy was probably too overwhelming for him to bear; so he rested!

  11. I see ‘dumbed down’ and Joe Kroll are mentioned in side-by-side sentences. Coincidence?

  12. Hadn't thought of that--will have to pay more attention to that "dumbing" down thing. :)

  13. Lynn, I have seen that fiesty little ole lady in action, and she would snap you like a tooth pic !

  14. The only thing she can "snap" is her comment delivery. Other than that, she loses at everything she does. She wanted the fire assessment--LOST!
    I say, her best shot is just rude, impolite, crude and WRONG.
    She is very good at slinging chit and calling people "clueless."
