Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Owner of Lake Worth Tee Shop writes to Lake Worth Commission

Comment Up
January 24, 2012

Mayor Triolo
Commissioner Maxwell
Commissioner Amoroso
Commissioner McVoy
Commissioner Mulvehill
City of Lake Worth
7 North Dixie Highway

Re: Withdrawal of Lake Worth Beach Tee Shirt Company from consideration as a tenant for a Unit at the renovated Lake Worth Casino

Honorable Mayor and Commissioners:

Regretfully, I am choosing to withdraw my business, the Lake Worth Beach Tee Shirt Company from consideration as a tenant for a Unit at the renovated Lake Worth Casino. I have decided not to pursue a location in the new building.

The 3-2 Commission vote on January 17th against me being awarded Unit #6 was more than disappointing. I cannot understand any reasonable explanation as to why Mayor Triolo, Commissioner Maxwell and Commissioner Amoroso voted against me being awarded Unit #6. I asked my attorney for his evaluation, and with his permission I have attached it to this letter.I have come to the conclusion that in light of that denial and the surrounding circumstances as described in my attorney’s letter, that the current Administration will not treat me in good faith.I have been struggling with this decision, and am tired of the unfairness throughout the process starting last June. Since making my decision not to be further abused by the City Administration, I am at peace with myself.

With age, hopefully has come some wisdom. I feel the best course is to graciously accept the fact that there is an underlying negativity and prejudice against me by the current Administration and Staff. It is time for me to let go.

I look back at my 26 years at the Casino and my relationship with the City with fondness. I have had many wonderful experiences from these years and have met and become lifelong friends with many people, including many former or current City Mayors, Commissioners and employees. Overall, being a tenant at the Casino, where I have devoted so many of my years has been a wonderfully rewarding experience.

I lived through the years of the City’s neglect of the Casino, witnessing it first hand as a long-time tenant. Since the renovation project was first talked about, I was looking forward in anticipation to that time when I, as a long time tenant of the old Casino would be a tenant at the newly renovated Casino. I anticipate that this Casino renovation project will make it a jewel to our City on the ocean. But sometimes fate intercedes so that one does not get to enter the Promised Land. So, even thought I will not have the privilege to be a tenant at the newly renovated Casino, I still love the City of Lake Worth and only wish the City the best of success. Being at peace with my decision, I wish Fox success. We were long time competitors and sometimes things became heated between us, but I wish its business well at the Casino.

I also wish to express my appreciation to Commissioners McVoy and Mulvehill for their fairness, professionalism and responsible exercise of their duties as Commissioners in voting in favor of awarding me Unit #6 at the January 17th Commission meeting. While they were the minority in the vote concerning Unit #6, their affirmative vote was the correct vote. Had just one other member of the Commission voted with them, the entire rental situation concerning the South building would have been completely decided and resolved at this January 17th Commission meeting.

I wish the City of Lake Worth, and specifically the Lake Worth Casino project the best.

Barry S. Freedman
Lake Worth Beach Tee Shirt Company


  1. Lake worth has deep pockets when it comes to legal challenges. A little t-shop owner has to fold knowing it would be an expensive proposition to fight dictators. Sorry Barry. You will be missed.

  2. To LW Commission:

    I had a previous commitment on the night of the 17th so was unable to stay for the lease negotiations.
    Judging from the letter from Mulligans, the reaction in the community, and Atty. Connick's letter on behalf of Mr. Barry Freedman, it seems that the incessant negativity of Commissioner Scott Maxwell created the chaos that prevailed and that he was aided and abetted by Mayor Pam Triolo and Commisioner Andy Amoroso in treating Barry Freedman with gross inequity.

    It is well known that Commissioner Maxwell was constantly at odds with former City Manager Susan Stanton and that hours of the Commissions' and the public's time were taken up with his incessantly berating her; but now that she is gone and his temperament is unchanged, perhaps it is time for Mayor Triolo, as chair of the meeting to use her "point of order" capacity to end his nihilistic diatribes in the interests of both good governance and respect for the public who attend meetings.

    Of greatest concern is the lack of recognition by the prevailing majority, as reflected in the decision against Mr. Freedman, that this action against a long term tenant is completely at odds with the vision of the public as expressed in ALL Casino visioning sessions over the last 11 years.

    All of you were elected to represent the citizens, not to follow the lead of a Commissioner who seems deranged by anger, particularly when that anger destroys a commitment to a long term ideal tenant who will keep the flavor of our beach for the next generation.

    I look forward to your reconsideration of your actions that have led Mr. Freedman to withdraw his interest, and to someone with a calm demeanor and awareness of both the history of our beach and the desires of the people regarding tenants, re-opening negotiations with Mr. Freedman.

    Thank you for your attention and consideration, and for your service.


    Laurence McNamara

  3. Dear Mr. Freedman, I hope you will read this. Perhaps you do not realize how dearly you are thought of by the community residents. I sincerely hope you will reconsider your position, although, because of the way it was handled, it is justified. I truly do not believe the commission, as a whole, was especially snubbing you; it seemed more like trying to make all of the pieces fit to satisfy the whole commission and consider all of the applicants. The problem is (and was) some members of the commission give equal weight to applicants who may have more money but no history or affection from the residents – AND THE CITY PROMISED TO GIVE MORE CONSIDERATION TO THE EXISTING BUSINESSES.

    I will bet almost anything the commission does an about face and you will have the space promised – heaven willing at the agreed to rate. Come to the meeting on the 31st. You will see the outrage of the residents and OUR SUPPORT FOR YOU.

    Please reconsider in spite of the commission’s decision. I ASK THAT YOU OPEN YOUR HEART FOR THOSE OF US, THE RESIDENTS, WHO LOVE YOUR T-SHIRT COMPANY AND WANT YOU HERE DOING BUSINESS in our beautiful new casino. With affection and most respectfully, Barbara Jean Weber
