Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tax and Spend

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Once again, the Palm Beach Post editor is touting the tax and spend mentality of liberals and wrote about the fire assessment that is coming up for a vote in Delray Beach. Randy Schultz says that Delray has a better plan than did Lake Worth. Properties would be paying according to their size. What he failed to say, however, is that Lake Worth's fire assessment was NOT for fire services but rather a fire pension.

We have always said that 1) the fire assessment was unfair, taxing those in small units the same as someone in a 3,000 s.f. house, 2) taxing the poor the same rate as the rich, 3) grabbing the cash in order to raise revenue instead of cutting back on expenses and 4) opening up the opportunity to tax in subsequent years to meet expenditures instead of living within a normal budget.

Citizens are sick of taxes especially when we see a city over-buying and allowing inventory to become obsolete to over a million dollars at the Utility and uncollected code violation fines that were in the multi-millions of dollars. Instead of taxing to meet a budget, reduce the budget; stop the spending; stop the waste.


  1. When I saw the tax and spend headline I thought the blog was about the R.O. plant fiasco. You know, when the BCE spent $40 million then taxed the residents in the form of sky high water rates. Where's your story about that?

  2. Your figures are far from the facts. Get your facts straight before you post something so wrong.

    Reverse Osmosis System (LW a supplier of water)
    $23,556,000 (this includes the cost of getting out of the PB County Water deal of $1.2 million)
    Savings of--

    Next, the cost went up because the Utility wanted to grab some more of your cash for a few years for operational expenses they say. It will be reassessed yearly.

  3. "Michael Linden found that if one compares the cost of tax cuts in just the first four years of Bush’s term (2001–04) to the first four years of Obama's (2009–12), Obama’s tax cuts are bigger. The value of the Bush tax cuts were about $475 billion in those first four years, or about 1.1 percent of GDP. Obama’s total about $1 trillion, or 1.6 percent of GDP."

    Federal taxes are at the lowest levels since the 1950's so spare me the false stereotype that dem's want to raise taxes.

  4. This is about the fire assessment. SO, therefore, can you SPARE me the Obama rhetoric? Thanks.
