Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lake Worth Chamber Of Commerce Owes Lake Worth $$

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The Lake Worth Chamber owes the City of Lake Worth a bunch of money...$10,662.83 to be exact. They have ignored our billing for years going back to March 2008 when a golf cart went "missing." That's what started the non-payment cycle. The Chamber "lost" an expensive golf cart. Where did it go? Who absconded with the cart? Was it sold on Ebay or Craig's List?

Past directors of the Chamber were always asking the City for money as well as the CRA and we usually always came through until the economy tanked. The City treated the Chamber with kid gloves by politely asking them for payment; it was reluctant to cause any waves, afterall, it was one of our "partners." The Chamber ignored all of our requests for payment. They finally offered to give us 10 cents on the dollar and settle their outstanding invoices for $1,000 at $250 a month starting in March 2011. The Chamber made one payment and then stopped paying again.

The City is now suggesting that it settle with the Chamber for approximately one-half of what they owe or $5,384. Why should they get any consideration? We advanced them services and loaned them a golf cart worth $3,800 on good faith that disappeared and now we should give them a write-off on what they owe? This is getting all to familiar in Lake Worth. Let's screw the taxpayer one more time.


  1. Anybody sick of EVERYBODY in this city getting a break except us taxpayers? GET THEIR MONEY THAT THIS ORGANIZATION OWES US!The chamber does not owe money to some faceless entitiy. They owe it to every taxpayer in Lake Worth! Did city hall excuse any of your electric bills this month?!?And the idea of two chambers of Commerce combinig scares the hell out of me.Talk about a two headed monster!

  2. Hey Lynn, Is the Chamber abandoning their building? Is that building city owned? Can we take it back? Thanks,

  3. The Chamber Management, just like LW Management style are comparable to a 3 ring circus, the only thing that changes is the ring master.

  4. They will be keeping the building. However, whether the newly merged Chamber will actually be serving the merchants in Lake Worth remains to be seen.

    The new commission never should have approved this merger without first getting a written commitment from them to pay back the City.

    More bad politics.

  5. Hmmm...I smell something fishy about matter. If that's the case I guess they need to work more on transparent liquidation of funds...
