Thursday, January 12, 2012

Saving American Democracy

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Laurence McNamara recently sent me a quote:

" It is necessary that laws should be passed to prohibit the use of corporate funds directly or indirectly for political purposes; it is still more necessary that such laws should be thoroughly enforced."

~Theodore Roosevelt

Bernie Sanders says, "Corporations should not be allowed to spend unlimited, undisclosed sums of money to influence political campaigns." "If you or someone you love is a corporation, do not sign this," Stephen Colbert tweeted after Bernie Sanders was a guest on his show.

More than 175,000 people have now signed the petition backing Bernie's constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's infamous ruling two years ago this month.


  1. I agree with this 100%. Good luck Bernie. I just realized that I posted this comment on the wrong article.

  2. Most Republicans are law and order types. I don't condemn Romney as the Supreme Court says that this is so. He gave the correct answer.

  3. Romney says what you want to hear. I saw him today in west palm, and he seems phony to me. If he is the nominee no doubt I will be voting for Obama. I also saw Tom ramiccio there in the front row. Surprise surprise.

  4. I'm all for Bernie Sanders petition.

  5. You didn't see Maxwell there? Now that is a surprise. Hey, good reason to vote for Obama.
