Thursday, January 12, 2012

Aqua America, the PSC and Lake Osborne Estates

State Sen. Alan Hays, R-Umatilla says, "My main goal is to stop utility companies and the Public Service Commission from ripping off consumers. My goal is to stop these tiered rates. To me it is completely outrageous that they are doing what they are doing."

Bill Coakley, President of Lake Osborne Estates Neighborhood Association said, "Aqua purchases water from Lake Worth Utilities, doubles the cost and sells it to Lake Osborne Estates. Sen. Hays has filed a suit against Aqua Utilities. Read about it here.

I still want to know how much money The City of Lake Worth is making off of Aqua Utilities.

Aqua America, Inc. is a U.S.-based publicly-traded water and wastewater utility, serving approximately 3 million people in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Illinois, Texas, New Jersey, New York, Indiana, Florida, Virginia, Maine, and Georgia.

"Aqua America is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol WTR. Its aggressive growth-through-acquisition strategy has resulted in nearly 200 acquisitions and growth ventures in the last ten years. These growth ventures have allowed Aqua America to achieve its growth goals and has had a favorable impact on its financial performance."

This seems to be their main interest--growth through acquisitions thus rising stock prices allowing all top executives to become wealthy and part of the 1% at the expense of helpless consumers who have no other choice where they buy their water such as those living in Lake Osborne Estates.

1 comment:

  1. As a 21 year Lake Worth Tax payer,
    I have the following legitimate questions for info. available as public record:

    With whose authorization was the Aqua Contract entered into?Securing 100% profit to the buyer,how much profit to Lake Worth ,Citizens'owned Utility?

    When was the Aqua Contract signed?Under what terms?Termination date? When was the Contract put before the Commission?Which employees brought this Contract giving away Publicly owned water,to our City??Who signed it?
    Which of the present Commission members read that Contract?Secured profit from the sale for our City???I smell a rat!

    3 negligent Commission members(Lowe,Vespo and Nadine Burns,while usurping the Mayoral signatory powers,
    (our Charter says only if he is sick,absent,incapacitated can an OLD Vice Mayor sign),

    signed the illegal 43 year Lake Worth Palm Beach Island,Beach lease,Greater Bay Contract,securing noprofit sharing for our City from OUR Beach, without bothering to investigate legality? Laurence pointed it out, as he gave the Charter Amendment, forbidding leasing publicly owned Land beyond 20 years!.The 30 year young ,athletic,Beachguard,Mayor Drautz,teacher,
    was present and capable!
    The Charter was violated by the usurpers.
    Was the Aqua Contract illegally entered into?Signature, usurped, unauthorized?I want a copy of it.
    Dee McNamara,Citizens' Interests" Advocate
