Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lake Worth City Manager Resumes

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Thirty-one resumes have been submitted to The City of Lake Worth for the City Manager's position. I asked someone very familiar with the position of city manager and who has been one for years, to study the resumes and rank all of the people according to their experience, education, and other special qualifications. Below is the ranking, without prejudice, on a total score of 60 points.

1. Dale Sugerman...50 points
2. Paul White...46 points
3. Robert Hudnall...45 points
4. Frank Spence...42 points
5. Richard Kerbel...40 points
6. Joseph Kroll...40 points

Kerbel and Kroll were tied.

It will now be up to the Commission to choose the best and most qualified candidate to be our new City Manager. Hopefully the full Short-List will be presented to the Commission this month.


  1. Thanks for all the work Lynn.
    Were all 31 evaluated?
    What is the scoring system used?
    Who is Dale Sugarman?

  2. Lynn, thanks for reviewing all these resumes and having your anonymous friend score them. Who actually did the analysis? Perhaps a recently departed LW CM? What was the scoring system used? I would be interested to see if others with city management experience came up with the same scores using this system and their expertise.

  3. All 31 were evaluated.
    The source is NOT Stanton.
    I don't know how the person came to a 60 point analysis. There were 15 criterions for grading from education to electric utility experience.

    The final choice has every possibility of being political.

  4. Hopefully the final choice will be VERY political and they'll hire Joe Kroll. On another blog you asked what everyone would do when they couldn't blame stanton for all the city's problems. We'll all jump for joy!!!!!!

  5. Not sure why you want Kroll appointed. Crony politics is not good for our city. If you were thinking just half straight, you would admit that choosing the BEST and MOST QUALIFIED is the only way to go. Let's stop the corrupt politics that went on a decade ago and do the right thing. As far as statnon goes, I hope that the next CM will put you in your place just like Stanton did. That would be irony at its best. :)
