Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gingrich Heckled

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  1. Oh Lynn, the six minute version of the video is much better. I guess you had to post this one so you wouldn't have to identify the heckler as Cara Jennings.

  2. Why didn't you identify the heckler as one of our very own??
    I'm sure you knew that it is none other than Cara Jennings, our former 2 term Commissioner.
    Was you omission intentional? And if so, why?

  3. I would love to see the 6 minute video. Did not know about Cara--that's cool!

  4. You didn't know it was Cara? So you're saying you don't read Wes's blog? That's a bunch of b.s. and you know it.

  5. Look, if you want to get personal, go to Wes' blog. Frankly, I am way to busy doing my own thing than to worry about who is blogging what. If he knows it's Cara, great show!! Newt had the perfect comebacks. So, take your B.S. somewhere else.

  6. I just went up to Wes' blog to see the video showing Cara Jennings. Is anyone really surprised that she was there?

  7. No Not really, so glad she mentioned Lake Worth, Let's just hope we get more like her moving in any minute.
