Thursday, January 26, 2012

Byrds are for the Birds

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If you are a prosecutor, can you think of anything sweeter than winning a case after defendants turned down your offer of a deal to pay $1,000 a tree for 109 illegally cut-down mangroves because their view was ruined and then end up having to pay 15 times that? The defendants knew they were doing something illegal because it has been reported that removal of the mangroves was done in the stealth of the night or on weekends. Now the Judge says the defendants owe $15,000 a tree.

Last year the Byrds in Jupiter turned down a reasonable settlement offer from the Town of Jupiter that would have cost them $109,000. Now they will have to pay $1.6 million plus legal fees to the town. The Byrd's attorney says he is confident that he can win on appeal.

The Byrds and their astute attorney forgot they were dealing with Jupiter. Jupiter was similar to the Greek god, Zeus. They were both gods of the sky and would throw lightning bolts if they became angry.


  1. I remember years ago when the town of Palm Beach removed most of the mangroves from slones curve south to PB Par 3 golf course, because the condo owners couldnt see the lake.Also around Ibis Isle.Also at AIA and Lantana road when those condos were built.Geez, how things have changed.

  2. This guy got what he deserved.
