Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tonight's Commission meeting - Lake Worth

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Two items of importance to the city--

Over this past year, the vast majority of the votes on the dais were 5/0. Where there was a divide was on the Budget and on the Casino. Even Maxwell, though voting against the special assessment, was not exactly against it. He wanted the advalorem taxes reduced by 1.3 mils to off-set the money grab. This would have given a break to those who could most afford to pay and those living in the most valued properties with the burden being on the poor, the churches and other non-profits. This is typical Republican mindset. Even he, in the beginning, did not object to opening up that can of worms although he did say, once you tax, it is almost impossible for that tax to ever go away.

Instead, the City Manager and the majority Commission agreed to the special assessment, future special assessments and did not reduce the advalorem. It has always been the principle behind the special assessment that bugged me. It was never about the money. Even the Palm Beach Post editorial agreed with the City of Lake Worth to grab the cash. Somehow the City convinced Andrew Marra on two occasions now and Randy Schultz that this was a fair tax. No longer do either one of these gentlemen need to use their key code, if they ever had one, to enter the city manager's office. It is back to being an "open door" friendly city hall, thanks to this "new" commission.

Tonight the vote on rescinding the special fire assessment (Public Hearings 9-F) is on the agenda. This is the main reason why we have a new mayor and new commissioner District 3. Let's hope that the new commission remembers.

We also will have the Johnny Longboats closing time that will be voted upon. Only one choice given in the backup--that of Snitkin, the real estate broker on the property and the city manager who says we must have them there late and into the morning hours in order for this building to be sustainable. We have to build a $6 million dollar building for a BAR. This is all the biggest crock of bull I have ever heard.

John G's was agreeable to paying the price per s.f. but the City has bent over backwards to a prospective tenant that is giving us the terms, ($22 per s.f to start) not the other way around. I talked to John G's at the time. The thinking was it might be $40 a s.f. and they were agreeable and they would keep the beach a family-friendly place as it's always been and close at 3pm. We were going to find another restaurant for the 2nd level for finer dining and dinner. Longboats says it will pay $1 mil in the build-out. Maybe, maybe not. There are always build-0ut costs. Even John G's in Manalapan re-did their entire space.


  1. Commissioners,please do away with this unnecessary TAX.Honor your campaign promises where you rightly said this money could be found elsewhere in our budget.I chose to move to an area THAT ALREADY HAD PAVED ROADS,SEWER,AND STREET LIGHTS!Also,no business has to be open until 2A.M. on our beach.A close time of 11:00 is plenty late for anyone eating dinner,or doing anything other than fishing on the pier.Katie Mcgiveron

  2. John G's is gone and they ain't coming back. Deal with it.
    You were one of the loudest shriekers to keep the beach affordable, spreading fear and lies telling everyone the city was going to open high end shops and restaurants at the beach. Longboats is an affordable place. Now you want fine dining? Do you know what you really want or do you keep moving the finish line so you can keep complaining all the time?

  3. To personal attack poster above, I don't "shriek." That sounds more like a woman from College Park. Yes, it was going to be high-end if Greater Bay had their way.

    And yes, I know exactly what I want and it was also what the people said they wanted in last year's survey on the subject.

    It is too bad that you have misunderstood it all. Take a hike.

  4. nasty AZZ above. We want the beach affordable but not at the expense of turning it into a light night hangout for drinking kids. Just wait. The city is asking for trouble and city staff is doing it.

  5. The City has made too many bad decisions.

  6. What's going on with Greater Bay? Does anyone know? These attorneys are dragging this case on and on and we are paying through the nose.

  7. Speaking of lawsuits, I am told that both the CM and the Utility Director have been deposed for the Reyes, Howard, Drenski whistleblower suit. This suit, if it is settled out of court, will cost the city dearly. If it goes to court, the city will be out even more money as this is one which they are certain to lose.

  8. Someone PLEASE motion to fire the City Manager at tonight's meeting. At least then it can be discussed.

  9. This commission is going along with the CM's desire to further commercialize our beach.
