Monday, December 12, 2011

Janet Stanko Wins Grimes Environmental Award

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Our friend, Janet Stanko, chair of the Northeast Florida group of the Sierra Club, received the 2011 Bob and Carol Grimes Environmental Activist Award presented Friday at the Civic Round Table of Jacksonville. She was the poitical and legislative Chairperson for Sierra Club Jacksonville.

Read about it here.

If you recall, Janet was one of the top supporters for Amendment 4 that was defeated in 2010 by developer, Realtor and corporate money.


  1. Hi Everyone-Congratulations to Janet on a very deserving honor and I'm glad for all of us that they decided to highlight her work on Amendment 4! Tis a great way to enter the holiday season and hope everyone has happy ones! More soon enough, John

  2. Good for you Janet, it is comforting to know that there are people like you supporting the environment.

