Monday, December 12, 2011

It was Performance in Miami, not Politics

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Miami Dolphins fire Coach Sparano for losing season. He had a LOSING TEAM. We get it.

That is the difference in his firing and the termination of Lake Worth's city manager Susan Stanton who had a winning team. Politics got in her way.


  1. Maybe Stanton was good at managing and top down, maybe she did her homework and ran the city well, but she was deficient in communication skills and interacting with many personalities in our city and the public as a whole. She wanted to control the dias and tell the commission what to do, instead of the other way around. I did not like that she wanted to raise taxes more and add these assessments, I did not agree with a lot of her ideas nor how she treated much of the public she was supposed to serve. Like changing the parking time downtown for 4 hours to 2 without permission from the comm. first. Of course politics got in the way, she is put in by politicians and needs to be sure she doesn't piss any of them off. All and all, Stanton and the commissioners just needed to listen to the people more in this city, they still do. I hope we can all move forward and keep making this city better for all its citizens, a place where all can be respected and treated with dignity from this day forward.

  2. There you go again--move forward you say.
    And once again, because you just refuse to get it--
    The Commission was the body that approved of what she was doing. It was up to this new body to say "no" when they disagreed.
    GET IT YET??????????????????
    To fire a capable city manager and one who had her heart in the right place to do the job and "move the city forward" was irresponsible by this new commission that is being lead around by the nose by Scott Maxwell.

  3. Geez.... I was SOOOO Surprised to hear that Maiami's Coach was fired. He wasn't hired to be popular with the fans. He was hired to do a job. He didn't do it.... but maybe they should have just let him keep trying ... maybe things would change....

  4. I can see that you are a big supporter of this new commission because you are not thinking clearly with this BS.

    As previously stated, Stanton performed per the City Commission. It was up to them to change the direction if they wanted to. They didn't.

    Why can't you get that? Are you sitting on the john too long?

  5. Well, I don't get "it". The former city manager hid money, was not forthcoming on many of her actions, hid behind her "OMB" and Finance departments, brought forth a way to stick it to us with illegal assessments, cost of use fees for electric meters, provided no notification in advance or even a reason for the higher rates or a itemization on the bills.

    If the majority feels things were getting out of hand, and they were, they have two choices: try to work with someone who definitely has a different view of how to extract as much money as possible from the public or try something else.

    They made the right choice in many people's opinion. A poll would tell you that, but you already know that. You know better than the rest of us.

    The shoe is a little uncomfortable on the other foot.

  6. No, it's true- you don't get it. And I have already answered the query on a poll. You are not getting any of it. You were fine until your last 2 sentences. If you want to insult me, start your own damn blog. Thanks very much. Or even better, come over here and post under your real name and as someone I know, oh brave one.
