Saturday, December 31, 2011

Aqua Utilities a Big Rip Off

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Former candidate for Mayor and now President of his homeowner's association at Lake Osborne Estates, Bill Coakley would sure agree with this one. In fact, he has been one of Aqua's big headaches.

Cyber Citizens for Justice reports:

Senator Alan Hays kept his promise: He filed a bill that if it ever became law would all but put Aqua Utilities out of business in Florida.

State Sen. Alan Hays didn't mince words last September when he testified before the Public Service Commission about a proposed rate increase for privately owned Aqua Utilities.

The Lake County Republican told commissioners he would do everything "that is humanly possible" to stop the rate increase, which he compared to "state sanctioned extortion."

"That company is the single source of the most complaints from constituents that come to my office, and it's just rip-off after rip-off after rip-off, and I'm sick and tired of hearing about it," Hays said at the hearing.

Good luck, Senator Hays! Let's just hope your colleagues agree with you -- for the sake of the consumers!


  1. When was the deal with Aqua made?
    Our Water Utility is public property!What are the condtions? In favor of Aqua like with Maxwell's FMPA Contract against the Citizens of Lake Worth?Ask Uncle Bill about that disgraceful, suspect deal!!Which has harmed Citizens and businesses financially,many to move out of our City!Those who voted for Maxwell must love their Utility bills,with the complements of the V.M.!Does he know anything about the conditions of the secret Contract with Aqua?We demand to know.Aqua is selling our water for double the price they paid for!!
    Why not OUR water sale with profit for OUR CITY?
    Dee McNamara,Citizens Interests advocate!

  2. Romano's City Commission with Maxwell signed the FMPA Contract guaranteeing FMPA profits from electricty created by our generators.
    How much profit do we get from the Aqua Contract, never mentioned to the taxpayers! That is brazen!
