Friday, November 25, 2011

We don't need a wind turbine at Lake Worth beach

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We continue to discuss the beach redevelopment and the cost overrides that will definitely occur. One cost that the city can totally eliminate is that of a wind turbine. I have written the former Commission and the city manager to no satisfaction. Susan Stanton replied to me on October 7: God ………………… that is what they said about the car, electricity, flying machines ……. personal computers ……….etc. Gee, you are so ………………………………………… yesterday !

"This whole wind energy mess just further illustrates how the American people have been played by their elected officials who bought into the global warming hysteria that spawned the push for wind energy in the first place. And now that the renewable energy tax subsidies are gradually coming to an end in some places, the true financial and economic viability, or lack of wind energy, is on display for the world to see. Read the rest of the article here.

As one engineer in the know said, "This will be exactly how McVoy's folly at the beach will turn out for the folks of Lake Worth if the high winds during a hurricane don't destroy it first." This is just another thing that the Finance Advisory Board can look into.


  1. Stupid can't even begin to say what I think of this idea, especially for a city that is taxing their residents to the brink of bankruptcy

  2. Personally instead of a wind machine I would like to see us build a giant Ferris Wheel. People could take a ride and see out for miles. People would come from all over to ride the wheel and we would see our city prosper. I would also like a cable car system like that have at ski resorts that would run from Bryant Park to the beach. No need to park at the beach. Simply ride the cable car and enjoy the view. Now what would you like at the beach? We all get to pick one project. Who cares what it costs?

  3. Please ,no wind turbines! All we really needed to do to our beach parking was resurfacing of the existing parking lot and restriping of the lines.

  4. If you are upset about wind turbines, I can only imagine your reaction to Michael Singer's canvas sails and his concrete inclines that will be grassed so that you can look at the ocean without raising your head while reclining on your back.
    If you can accept the frivolous nature of these increased construction costs, you will never be able to justify the increased maintenance costs.

  5. They should install a wind turbine right in front of McVoy's mouth on the dais.

    With his long winded ramblings we would have enough electricity to light up the whole city.

  6. then you have Scott Maxwell who rambples on and on and on about the city manager, the casio, the budget, the the, the.................

  7. I for one, it seems, would like to see a vertical wind turbine at the Beach. It would put Lake Worth on a different page than it is now. It is not all about the watts, RPM, juice that goes with the technology. Your "Engineer in the Know" is just a engineer. G for it Lake Worth!

  8. 1. Vertical turbines have a tendency to stall under gusty winds.

    2. The blades are prone to fatigue as the blade spins around the central axis

    3. Vertical axis wind turbines have proven less reliable than horizontal wind turbines.

  9. I don't understand the posting at 7:45.

    Vertical wind turbines are the least efficient variant of wind generators. That is because, unlike the fan type, they spend as much time resisting the same wind that makes them work.

    On the Darrieus rotor, since the airfoils are the same as horizontal axis turbines, they will operate at the same efficiency. However, the difference occurs because a horizontal axis turbine's swept area always faces the wind. But with a VAWT, the swept area is a cylinder perpendicular to air flow. As such, part of the “swept area” is working, while part is simply being blown around, not at an optimal angle to generate lift. This results in a VAWT rotor that is less efficient than a horizontal axis rotor.

    While this guy may be well meaning, he knows as much about generating power from wind as McVoy, which is next to nothing.

  10. Go for it Lake Worth? do you want us to really go bankrupt? hahahahaha. Read the article. You won't get grants. There is no money to support it. There are a million reasons why its folly but what is the use? Just "go for it." What the hell. This country is only $15 trillion dollars in debt so let LW contribute in some small way.
