Sunday, November 27, 2011

People who Walk the Walk

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Robert Waples and Col. Allen West featured
with homeowner and friends

Last month, Robert Waples and his not-for-profit, Neighbors Helping Neighbors, along with many volunteers did what they always do--helping a needy neighbor in a community. On this day they ventured out of Lake Worth to patch up and paint and did what it took to repair a house in West Palm Beach (owner seated in wheel chair).

Not only at times does Rep. Allen West don snorkel and fins cleaning up ocean reefs in his District 22, on this day he wore his handyman clothes working for someone less fortunate. This was not done for a photo op; the press did not know about it. West appeared, rolled up his sleeves and got to work painting and repairing and lending a hand.

So this Thanksgiving we want to give a special thank you to all the community volunteers for caring so much and constantly giving back. These are special people who walk the walk never expecting a word of thanks.



  2. Thanks Robert for all that you do. Not only do we in ROLOH appreciate all of your efforts but I am rather sure that Lake Worth does as well.
