Sunday, November 6, 2011

Marijuana - Addictive or Not?

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Jeff Clemens only wants it legal for medical purposes but it is a known fact that 4% of those using weed are addicted to it. Over 50 million Americans smoke marijuana. There are 310 million people in the USA. So that's about 1 in 6 people that smoke IT and who are breaking the law.

Says, Harvard Law: In a recreational context, marijuana has been shown to affect health, brain function, and memory. And in a medical context, marijuana is like any other powerful prescription drug: it has potentially dangerous side effects, and the decision to use it to treat patients must involve the same balancing test as the one required for chemotherapy or AZT: do the therapeutic effects of the drug outweigh its harmful effects? Though there are many more studies to be done on this issue, current data shows that the answer to this question may not always be "yes."

Now that we have had so many people to comment on whether or not marijuana is addictive, this video might "alter your mind" and you can decide whether or not it is all just a bunch of crap.

No, this is not Banana Breath


  1. Lynn's blog is addictive and it alters my mind. I say it should be banned immediately!

  2. Hmm,

    Some people become addicted to sex. Let's ban that too!

  3. How many people have come home and beat their wife after smoking it? How many people have overdosed on it? Sorry, just playing devil's advocate.

  4. I just posted about how addictive TV is on the other section, so we should probably outlaw that too. And while we are at it, there's proof that Big Macs are addictive, and carbs, and tanning, and hmmm, there's a few other things that I recall are addictive and legal, but just can't remember.... oh ya ... ALCOHOL and CIGARETTES.

    Annual deaths from booze: 100,000+
    Annual deaths from cigs: 400,000+

    Number of deaths from Pot EVER in the history of keeping records: 0

  5. The problem with all of those things you mention--they are LEGAL. Also, I challenge whether they are addictions or just habits. Of course, reading my blog is neither--just good sense. :)

  6. "I challenge whether they are addictions or just habits."


  7. I just read your blog to be amused.

  8. Oh no, don't tell me the above is Panagioti!!!!

  9. If you only read this blog to be amused, you must be Dustin.

  10. This city is full of dope heads, illegals, criminals, weirdos, the 99% who believe that the world owes them a living, elected officials with their heads up Stanton's butt. What a mess. Instead of pot, I think hard drugs and steroids has affected everything here. Time for a change.

  11. Hemp for Victory: U.S. Government World War II Department of Agriculture Film (1942)

    Marijuana Cuts Tumor Growth by 50%

    Russia may legalize cannabis for agriculture, industrial use

    Pat Robertson Wants To Legalize Pot
